Slovenes Drink 39 Litres of Wine Per Capita

By , 20 Dec 2017, 14:58 PM News
Slovenes Drink 39 Litres of Wine Per Capita Photo via

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Production marked at 82% self-sufficiency rate. 

December 20, 2017

In its recent report on 2016/17 wine consumption and production, the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SURS) revealed that Slovenes consumed 810,800 hectolitres (81.08 million litres) of wine in the previous year, which amounts to 39 litres of wine per capita.

While still high, this represents a fall of four litres per capita compared with 2015/16. That year’s figure, a record, landed Slovenia fourth in the world wine consumption list produced by Forbes magazine, just after Andorra, Vatican City and Croatia and ahead of France, while the UK’s Telegraph newspaper placed Slovenia sixth, after France and before Macedonia that year.

Of the 81 million litres consumed, 66.1 million were domestically produced, which amounts to an 82% self-sufficiency rate. The latter gets even higher when we speak of white wine, which seems to be the drink of choice for many Slovenes, who consumed 24.5 litres of white per capita. A total of 51.5 million litres of white were produced in Slovenia in the previous year, which met 86.6% of the domestic demand.


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