Soldiers at Trdinov Vrh Demand Pay Rise for Being on a Foreign Mission

By , 30 Dec 2017, 18:37 PM News
Slovenian military post at Trdinov vrh Slovenian military post at Trdinov vrh Andrejj, Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0

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According to the arbitration ruling, Trdinov vrh belongs to Croatia. 

December 30, 2017

The trade union of the Ministry of Defence informed the Slovenian government today that soldiers at the barracks at Trdinov vrh should earn salaries reserved for soldiers on missions abroad.

The European court arbitration ruling on border dispute between Slovenia and Croatia rendered most of the disputed sea to Slovenia, while most of the land went to Croatia. This includes Trdinov vrh, where a small Slovenian military post is located.

As Croatia refuses to implement the arbitration ruling, the new border demarcation and handover of the land cannot occur.  The post and the soldiers are thus stuck in Trdinov vrh until Croatia is willing to cooperate.

However, as Trdinov vrh is, at least according to the Slovenian government, now Croatian, soldiers are entitled to a higher pay check. We are curious to see whether or not the government agrees.


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