What the Papers Say: Thursday, 13 March 2019

By , 14 Mar 2019, 08:52 AM News
What the Papers Say: Thursday, 13 March 2019 maxpixel.net CC-by-0

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Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Thursday, 13 March 2019, as summarised by the STA:


Pension reform
"How we will retire under the new plan": 67 will be the minimum retirement age for persons without 40 years of pensionable service, pensions for new old-age retirees will be 8% higher as of 2025, while retired persons who continue to work will receive 50% of their pensions for three years, and then a full pension. (front page, page 2)

Global Climate Strike
"What the world will be like if we remain silent?": Members of the Youth for Climate Justice movement will skip school on Friday to take part in the Global Climate Strike For Future and call on decision makers to take action against climate change. (front page, page 5)

Skiing season ending
"Snow cannons saving skiing": Some of the Slovenian ski resorts will conclude the season this month, while some will operate also in April and even until 5 May (Kanin). Some operators are rather unhappy with the results. (front page, page 4)


Pension reform
"We will have to work until 67": The retirement age for persons without 40 years of pensionable service will be gradually increased to 67 by 2034, while the pension rate for persons with 40 years of pensionable service will be increased in six years to 63% of the long-term average wage. (front page, page 2, 16)

Public transport in Ljubljana
"Three hours on Ljubljana city buses": As the LPP operator has reduced the frequency of buses while increasing the price for a single ride as of April, Dnevnik journalists spent three hours on buses in the capital to see how user-friendly the system is. (front page, page 8)


Pension reform
"How to save for pension so that you are not poor as a church mouse": As the Labour Ministry has come up with proposals to reform the pension system, the paper provides advice "which will come in handy for your whole life". (front page, page 2-5)

Information security
"Izola hospital scandal should be a wake-up call for all companies": The paper runs an interview with the former Information Commissioner, Nataša Pirc Musar, and Klemen K. Mišič of InfoHouse on the scandal involving unauthorised access into medical files in Slovenian hospitals. (front page, page 6-7)

"EUR 177m coming for investments in sustainable mobility": The paper notes that Slovenian municipalities have EUR 177m on their disposal for sustainable mobility projects, wondering how Slovenia will look like after the money gets spent, including on an estimated 1,000 km of cycling paths. (front page, page 10-11)

"Weak sales by Cinkarna Celje, and even weaker forecast, but its share blossoms on stock market": As Cinkarna Celje saw its sales revenue drop by 13% to EUR 164m, while posting a record net profit of EUR 30.6m, the paper wonders whether the chemical company will again be looking for a new owner this year. (front page, page 10-11)


Pension reform
"Retirement at 67": The Labour Ministry has proposed a reform of the pension system, including the proposal under which retired persons who continue to work could receive 50% of their pensions for three years, and then a full pension. (front page, page 2-3)

Magna investment
"Magna will soon start painting vehicles": The Administrative Court has confirmed for the paper that no disputes have been launched against the environmental permit for the Magna Steyr paint shop in Hoče near Maribor. (front page, page 4)

Maribor central market
"Umbrellas California, goodbye": The large California umbrellas, which have been used at the Maribor central market, will be dismantled and scrapped, as they have become dangerous and impractical. (front page, page 9)


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