51 Illegal Border Crossings Over the Weekend Near Koper & Novo Mesto

By , 26 Mar 2019, 10:19 AM News
51 Illegal Border Crossings Over the Weekend Near Koper & Novo Mesto kranj.si

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STA, 25 March 2019 - The Koper and Novo Mesto police caught 51 foreigners illegally crossing the border the past weekend. Seven migrants requested international protection.

According to the Koper police department, 23 foreigners were caught crossing the border from Croatia in the western region from Friday morning until today.

Two of them were Croatians, while the rest were citizens of Kosovo (five), Pakistan (four), Algeria (three), Somalia (three), and Afghanistan, and Iraq and Iran (two each).

The Koper police also apprehended a Slovenian citizen who transported four foreigners who had illegally crossed the border.

Seven people were already returned to Croatia and just as many are expected to be handed over today. Seven migrants requested international protection.

The Novo Mesto police, meanwhile, found an Algerian citizen hiding in the undercarriage of a train, trying to avoid border control. The man was handed over to Croatian authorities.

In the Novo Mesto area, a total of 27 foreigners were apprehended, with six of them coming from Afghanistan, just as many from Algeria and Morocco, four from Yemen, two from Iraq and just as many from Egypt, and one from Syria.

A total of 611 illegal crossings of the border were recorded in Slovenia in January and February, which is a 35% increase compared to the same period last year. Most of the foreigners came from Algeria and Morocco.

All our stories on illegal migration in Slovenia are here


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