What the Papers Say: Wednesday, January 31, 2018

By , 31 Jan 2018, 08:53 AM News
What the Papers Say: Wednesday, January 31, 2018 Wikimedia - oswaldo from Ciudad de México - CC by 2.0

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The events in the news. 

Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 31 January, 2018, as prepared by the STA:


Port of Koper protest
"Resistance in Luka Koper over staffing whirlwind": Around 200 locals and port workers yesterday closed the entrance to the port, displeased with the way the state manages the company and with the management's staffing decisions. (front page, 3, 4)

Child benefits
"Child benefits remain unconditional": The coalition is likely to retract its proposal that child benefits be conditional on school attendance, a measure meant to keep Roma children in school. The motion simply raised too much dust. (front page, 2)

Palestine recognition
"Palestine recognition deferred to spring": The Foreign Policy Committee is unlikely to decide on the recognition of Palestine just yet. The government must green-light the motion first, which is likely to take several weeks. (front page, 2)


Hiring in public administration
"Under Cerar's government, 8,600 more public sector employees": The governments of Janez Janša and Alenka Bratušek reduced the headcount in the public sector, but under the Miro Cerar government hiring has accelerated, in particular in education and healthcare. (front page, 2)

Catalan independence

"Puidgemont might visit Slovenia": The deposed Catalan president Carles Puidgemont may visit Slovenia shortly. The Spanish ambassador says his arrival will not lead to a deterioration of relations between Spain and Slovenia. (front page, 6)

Gas explosion
"Explosion cuts house into half, resident rescued from the ruins": Half a family at Mlaka collapsed due to what was probably a gas explosion yesterday. Firefighters were able to rescue an elderly woman from the ruins. (front page, 15)


Gorenjska banka sale
"Seven scenarios for Gorenjska banka": There are several scenarios for Gorenjska banka now that the single biggest shareholder, Sava, cannot sell its stock to AIK bank of Serbia. The likelihood of AIK taking control of the bank is close to zero. (front page, 2, 3)

Bank privatisation
"Banks riper for sale than they have been in a long time": There is plenty of capital in banks and profits are solid, but the sustainability of the current profitability is questionable. The banking sector will have to consolidate. (front page, 3, 4)


Pohorje tourism
"From Poštna Street to 1,250 metres": Saša and Zekira Markovič, the pair credited with reviving the old centre of Maribor, plan to reopen the famous Hotel Areh at the Pohorje ski resort, which has been closed for several years. (front page, 10, 11)

"Victory eludes in final minute": Slovenia tied Serbia in the Futsal Euro opener as Dragan Tomić scored the equaliser for Serbia just 28 seconds from time. (front page, 22)

Vacation rentals
"Last chance for AirBnB": Today is the last day for owners of AirBnB listings to report their business to the Financial Administration. (front page, 3)


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