Unclog the Drains and Sweep the Icicles

By , 06 Mar 2018, 14:54 PM News

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What to pay attention to in the following days. 

March 6, 2018

The latest snowfall added to the already heavy snow cover, the thickest this season. According to the Slovenian Environment Agency, Ljubljana is currently covered with 27 cm of snow, 12 cm of which is fresh, Maribor is blanketed in 30 cm, 7 cm of which is new, Novo mesto 44 cm, Logatec 69 cm, Nova vas (Bloke) 103 cm and so on, with the thickest reported snow blanket on Kredarica, at 435 centimetres.

With rising temperatures the ground is slippery, which causes various problems in traffic and on the sidewalks. The emergency room at Ljubljana University medical centre (UKC) attended to 31 patients who slipped and 10 more who had been in traffic accidents, while the Styrian highway has been closed three times already today due to traffic accidents.

As large amounts of snow are expected to melt in the days that follow, the Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief issued a warning for all building managers to check the drains and unclog them in case they need a cleaning before the waters start rising. Also, as the temperatures will drop under the melting point tonight, there is the possibility of potentially dangerous icicles forming on the edges of roofs, another thing to pay attention to.




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