European Anti-Corruption Report Praises Slovenia on Legal Standards, But Notes Lack of Implementation

By , 08 Mar 2018, 14:51 PM News
European Anti-Corruption Report Praises Slovenia on Legal Standards, But Notes Lack of Implementation Wikimedia - Kiwiev CC by 1.0

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Report also highlights gender equality in top government posts.

March 8, 2018

The Council of Europe’s anti-corruption body GRECO (Group of States Against Corruption) has released its first report as part of the new monitoring round, focusing on Slovenia. As per the related website, GRECO works “on preventing corruption and promoting integrity in central governments (top executive functions) and law enforcement agencies; it calls for proactive prevention of conflicts of interest, greater transparency and more resources to the national anti-corruption body.”

The report praised Slovenia’s government for gender equality at the cabinet level, with the 16 ministers evenly split between men and women, adding that this was important for combating corruption. However, it also noted that women remain under-represented among the police.

Aside from gender issues, a natural focus on Women’s Day, GRECO had positive words for Slovenia’s legal measures against corruption, while adding that more could be done to implement such laws, both in spirit and letter, highlighting the fact that details of the assets of top officials are not open to public scrutiny. The full report can be read, in PDF form, here.


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