STA, 5 July 2021 - A 20-year-old man suspected of having planned a school shooting spree pleaded not guilty as he appeared in court in Kranj on Monday, news channel A Kanal reported. However, he did admit to having bought a pistol and an automatic rifle for EUR 5,000 on the dark web, for which the prosecution indicted him.
If found guilty, he could get a prison sentence of six months to five years.
At one of the coming hearings, a psychiatrist should tell the court whether the suspect showed diminished capacity when buying the weapons, the report said.
The suspect was brought to the court from a prison hospital after having appeared before an investigating judge in April.
The weapons he ordered on the dark web were packed in a microwave oven and were intercepted by US law enforcement while checking the shipment.
The US authorities alerted the Slovenian police, which established the man had bought the weapons for a shooting spree at a public institution, reportedly his former primary school.