
13 Mar 2018, 14:38 PM

In terms of institutions, Slovenians trust marriage, euro, television and radio, printed media and international companies the most. 

13 Mar 2018, 14:19 PM

The team are currently top of the Slovenian League. 

13 Mar 2018, 13:38 PM

The trial, which has already lasted more than two years, will now have to start again. 

13 Mar 2018, 12:17 PM

Go out and sort through the treasure and trash before noon on Sunday, then on to the other delights the area affords. 

13 Mar 2018, 08:38 AM

The news making headlines this morning. 

12 Mar 2018, 20:12 PM

"Every context of self-determination is different. The context of self-determination and independence of Slovenia might be different than the one of Montenegro, or of Timor, Kurdistan ... or of Palestine." 

12 Mar 2018, 19:56 PM

"If the international community does not act, and act quickly, I'm afraid the two-state solution is lost forever." 

12 Mar 2018, 16:21 PM

When the Castle turns green and the beer becomes black. 

12 Mar 2018, 15:43 PM

Trade surplus continues due to deals within with the EU. 

12 Mar 2018, 14:20 PM

Another crypto coin for Slovenia. 


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