Trending: The Politics of Potica

By , 21 Apr 2018, 12:49 PM Politics
Trending: The Politics of Potica Cartoon by Tomaž Lavrič in Mladina (April 13, 2018)

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Political challengers to our potica-gubana recipe of the week. 

April 21, 2018

In a recent issue of Mladina magazine we spotted a cartoon that we understood as a list of challengers to our gubana-potica, our Lent-time Slovenian Recipe of the Week.

The cartoon illustrates one of the “statements of the week”, as ingeniously conceived by Mladina’s main artist Tomaž Lavrič. His work is always very funny, but also informative and sometimes quite enlightening.

The statement which drew Lavrič’s attention reads as follows:

Programi so kot potice. Ljudje imajo radi različne vrste potic, nekaterim so ljubše tiste z orehovim nadevom, nekaterim pehtranove, nekaterim pa celo take brez nadeva.”

(“Programs are like poticas. People like different kinds of poticas, some prefer those with the walnut filling, others prefer tarragon and there are even those who prefer poticas without any filling at all.”)

The statement has been attributed to Patrick Vlačič, the author of the SD party’s pre-election programme.

The cartoon, you can see it in the main picture of this article, then goes on to depict each party’s potica, under the title “political cook”. As there is much to learn from this quite analytical chart, we cut it apart and translated each of the party’s recipes, as well as breaking the latter down to their underlying ideological foundations.


The title: Political cook. Programme poticas for every taste






smc cerarska potica.jpg












With special thanks to Mladina and Tomaž Lavrič for allowing us to use their content.


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