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Out of 985 people polled by Parsifal, 15.6% would vote for the SDS, 1.6 percentage points (pps) less than a week ago. Meanwhile, the support for LMŠ dropped by 4.5pps to 7.7%.
The Social Democrats (SD) remained in place three this week, with 5.6% of respondents saying they would vote for the junior coalition partner. The party shed 1.2pps.
While the first three parties all lost support, the next five parties in the Parsifal poll gained in popularity.
New Slovenia (NSi) is up 2.4pps to 5.4%, overhauling the coalition Modern Centre Party (SMC) and the Pensioners' Party (DeSUS).
The SMC got the support of 5.2% (+0.9pps) respondents and DeSUS of 4.5% (+1.3).
The rest of the parties included in the poll would not make it over the 4% threshold; 3.6% of the respondents said they would vote for the Left, 3.5% for the National Party (SNS), 2.8% for the People's Party (SLS).
The United Right, a coalition which saw one of its members announce on Friday that it was pulling out of the election, got the support of 1.9%.
However, this development is not reflected in account in the poll, which was conducted between Tuesday and Friday.