May 16, 2019
In a recent survey evaluating the work of each of the 28 European Commissioners, Margrethe Vestager of Denmark ranks highest, while Hungarian Tibor Navrascis the lowest. Slovenian commissioner Violeta Bulc ended near the bottom at 21st place, reports POP TV today.
Source: CBW report
In her five-year mandate the highest ranking European Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager put the pressure on many multinational companies who have until then managed to avoid paying taxes in the EU. As a result, the two tech giants Google and Apple were hit with a combined bill for nearly 20 billion in fines, notes BCW Communications Agency, which carried out the survey.
The most successful move of the European Commissioner for Transportation, Violeta Bulc, is seen in her attempt to raise the tolls paid by drivers of high polluting vehicles, while her greatest failure is identified as her attempt to end the seasonal changing of the clocks in Europe (although this attempt has not yet been defeated, simply not agreed on).
However, Bulc enjoys very high popular support in her home country. According to Mediana polling agency, she’s been placed between 2nd and 4th on a list of Slovenian politicians throughout her term as Commissioner.