STA, 22 March 2020 - The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Slovenia rose to 414 by 2pm on Sunday, an increase of 31 over the past 24 hours, data from the National Public Health Institute show. The number of tests conducted rose to 13,098, up from 12,162 the day before.
Health authorities estimate that the actual number of cases is several times the confirmed number as not everyone is being tested.
Data as of 10am show the biggest outbreak remains in Ljubljana with 92 confirmed cases, seven more than the day before.
The second biggest is Šmarje pri Jelšah near Celje (NE) with 45 confirmed cases, four more than the day before, followed by Metlika in the south-east with 25 cases.
Six of the infected are foreigners.
Slovenia has recorded one Covid-19 death as an elderly resident of the Metlika nursing home died just over a week ago.