Janez Janša: "Slovenia comes first, then the others"

By , 18 Feb 2018, 14:01 PM Politics
Janez Janša: "Slovenia comes first, then the others" Wikimedia

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Opposition SDS leader also aims to dismantle “the deep state”.

STA, February 18, 2018 – Opposition SDS leader Janez Janša urged patriotism and cautioned against multiculturalism, as he addressed an event marking a party anniversary last evening. "Slovenia comes first, then the others."

The Democratic Party (SDS) advocates positive patriotism against internationalism. "Without this, there is no future for Slovenia or other European nations," he said, as the SDS celebrated its 29th anniversary in Brdo pri Kranju.

Janša believes a fight in being currently fought for Slovenian and European identity. "And this fight is crucial. Everything else is less important if we lose it."

As multiculturalism has been given precedence over national identity and common European identity, one can be justifiably worried about the future of the EU and NATO.

The majority of European cities have already lost the fight for identity. "Look at who the mayors are, look at the structure of residents. Not to mention Ljubljana."

However, he believes it is not yet too late for Slovenia to take action, "but it's time to wake up".

"Solidarity with those who suffer is one thing, but destroying one's own identity is something different."

"We expect from those who come from abroad to respect out customs, tradition, culture, to adapt to the new environment, not to demand that we adapt."

Janša stressed the SDS had the energy which would enable Slovenia to turn author Ivan Cankar's phrase "they make us little" into "we'll make ourselves big".

He thus announced the SDS would fight for "a Slovenia for which we voted in the [1990] plebiscite", in which also "our grand grand-grandchildren will sing Slovenian songs" and in which "there will be every year more Slovenians".

Turning to the upcoming general and local elections, he said the SDS' platform was based on making Slovenia a safe homeland for all, a country with orderly public and state affairs, and lower taxes, a country which develops an environment conductive to free entrepreneurship and where pensions are fair payment for one's past work.

Given that Slovenian independence united the Slovenians, the party will put it to the forefront in the pre-election period, he stressed.

Janša believes a type of cooperation modelled on the DEMOS coalition, which led the country to independence, is needed, and reiterated the SDS was ready to cooperate with everyone who cared for Slovenia.

He sees parties from the same [European] political family as well as newly-emerging parties working together for the Slovenian state.

However, cooperation with "those who are praising crimes or reside in stolen villas" will not be possible "until they have undergone renewal".

In this context, he announced his party would dismantle the deep state in the next term or two, if one is not enough, "replacing it with a second republic, with a state of completed transition [from the former regime]".

Toucinh on "new faces" which have become a permanent feature of Slovenian elections, he noted they usually represented recycled old ideas, pointing to views by PM Miro Cerar, Zoran Janković, Gregor Golobič and Tone Rop.

He therefore believes that "voting for the SDS means voting for a political force which advocates a normal state".


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