Primorske Novice Confused by Janša’s Actions & Aims

By , 07 Jul 2021, 13:31 PM Politics
The start of the commentary The start of the commentary

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STA, 7 July 2021- The moves recently made by the prime minister both in the domestic political arena and the international stage are raising questions about what the prime minister wants to achieve in the first place, Primorske Novice says in Wednesday's commentary.

"There are questions as to the benefits the people derive from European politicians being instructed about which Slovenian judge is meeting which political party at a picnic. Or from Europe seeing a film ostensibly showing media bias."

Not only are there no palpable benefits to the people, the prime minister himself and by extension the entire government have no benefits beyond gaping jaws in Europe realising that Slovenia is increasingly becoming similar to countries that we used to look down upon, according to the commentator.

"If the prime minister's intention is to achieve better - to eschew the word balanced - media, better judiciary, healthcare, education, better conditions for the people, fine. We support that.

"But if we are now to report only about government achievements, Mt. Triglav climbs and missed sunsets, if the judiciary were to turn a blind eye to weapons deals, questionable land sales and covert insults, and if hospitals were to treat only those who can afford that, the title of the booklet should be changed," the paper says in reference to a booklet sent to Slovenian households entitled We Stood up and Survived, which it says should in this case be changed to We Stood up and Survived. And Backslid.


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