Poll: Most Slovenians Prefer Aligning with Germany, France than Visegrad Group

By , 19 Oct 2021, 10:35 AM Politics
Poll: Most Slovenians Prefer Aligning with Germany, France than Visegrad Group Wikimedia CrazyPhunk CC-by-0

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STA, 18 October 2021 - Around 60% of Slovenians do not approve of Slovenia's foreign policy pivoting towards the Visegrad Group. Most would prefer to see closer alignment with Germany, Austria, France and Italy, shows the latest Vox Populi poll carried out for the newspapers Dnevnik and Večer.

The country's foreign policy strategy used to be primarily oriented towards the West. After entering the EU, Slovenia also started looking slightly more towards the south and fostered good relations with Russia, the paper says.

But under the third government of Janez Janša, Central and Eastern Europe has come to the fore. Janša has aligned Slovenia more closely to the Visegrad Four, especially Hungary.

Asked whether they agreed that Slovenia should represent within the EU positions close to those of Hungary and Poland, 60% of respondents disagreed, 31% agreed, while around 10% were undecided.

Interestingly, Dnevnik says, younger respondents were keener to agree with closer alignment with Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, while older respondents strongly disagreed.

The pollster Ninamedia also asked the respondents to spontaneously list three EU member states that Slovenia should coordinate and cooperate with in the international political sphere.

The majority has listed Germany (63.4%) and Austria (57.4%), followed by France (34%), Italy (26.3%) and Croatia (13.3%).

Ninamedia polled 700 persons between 12 and 14 October.


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