Only 5 of 34 3rd Country Doctors Had Qualifications Recognised in 2021

By , 12 Dec 2021, 16:40 PM Politics
Only 5 of 34 3rd Country Doctors Had Qualifications Recognised in 2021 public domain Rhoda Baer acquired from National Cancer Institute

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STA, 12 December - The Health Ministry has approved five of the 34 applications for recognition of professional qualifications of doctors from third countries that have been submitted this year, and eight of the 42 applications submitted last year.

Under an emergency act that came into effect ten years ago, recognition of professional qualifications from third countries can be sped up where the Health Ministry sets the maximum number of job openings based on the health providers' demand.

The upper limit for job offerings for doctors from third countries in 2019 was set at 130, of which 55 for GPs. The cap was raised in response to excessive workload faced by family doctors.

Last year the ministry set the upper limit at 257, of which up to 70 slots were available for family doctors. Of the 42 applications received, the ministry has so far approved eight, only one of which was for family medicine.

Three of the applications have been rejected or procedure has been ended, while 31 are still being handled, the ministry has told the STA.

This year the cap for openings for doctors abroad has been set at 281, of which 72 for family doctors or GPs. Of the 34 applications submitted, five have so far been approved and 26 are still pending with the remaining three set aside.


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