11,668 New COVID Cases on Thursday

By , 04 Feb 2022, 14:01 PM Politics
11,668 New COVID Cases on Thursday covid-19.sledilnik.org

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STA, 4 February 2022 - A total of 11,668 new coronavirus cases were confirmed in Slovenia on Thursday, down in weekly comparison, as 3,808 PCR and 103,514 rapid antigen tests were examined, reported the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ), which has estimated that there are now 194,969 active cases in the country.

While the seven-day average of new daily cases was down by 730 to 14,381, the 14-day case notification rate was up by 90 to 9,251, show the latest figures by the NIJZ.

The estimated number of active cases in the country was up by 1,883 compared to the day before.

A new rule was introduced on 1 February under which rapid tests are automatically added to the tally without being double-checked with the more precise PCR tests.

A total of 418 patients are hospitalised with Covid-19 as their main condition at regular wards and another 113 at intensive care units.

In all, 963 infected patients are in hospitals, and 22 more Covid-19 patients died on Thursday, government data show.

Mathematical models point to a decline in the Covid-19 epidemic, but the virus could still surprise us, Nuška Čakš Jager, deputy chief epidemiologist with the NIJZ, said at today's press conference.

In Slovenia, the highest rates of coronavirus infections are currently reported in the 5-14 and 35-40 age groups. The number of infections is also rising slightly in the over-75 age group, Čakš Jager added.

Despite a slight increase in the number of infections in nursing homes, most people recover without symptoms. More and more infections are also being reported in schools, especially in the 6-14 and 15-18 age groups, and among pre-school staff.

Čakš Jager also presented data showing that significantly fewer deaths have been recorded in nursing homes compared to the previous waves of the epidemic, which the NIJZ attributes to vaccination.

All the latest data on covid and Slovenia


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