Festivals in Slovenia, November 2018

By , 27 Oct 2018, 18:59 PM Travel
Festivals in Slovenia, November  2018 pexels.com Helen Lopes CC-by-0

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A selection of some of the festivals and events taking place around the country in November, with links to the official sites, with the main thing being St Martin’s Day (Martinovanje), which marks the arrival of this year’s new wine on the scene. 

If there’s something you we missed, please email me and I’ll add it to the list: flanner@total-slovenia-news.com

September 28–November 12:  Old Vine Festival, Maribor (wine, folk music and dancing – lots of events to enjoy)

October 5–November 4: The Karst Cuisine Month, Slovenian Karst, Western Slovenia

October 16–November 23: Month of Design in Ljubljana

November 2–30 Gourmet Ljubljana is almost a month of food and wine events in the capital, with the full programme here

November 2–30 Taste Bled, during which three top Bled restaurants are offering three-course menus at a unified for just €18 per person. Bookings are essential, and you can see the menus here

November 7–11 Ambient Ljubljana Furniture Fair, the biggest furniture fair that takes place between Milan and Vienna

November 9–11 The Vintage Swing Festival, Celje

November 9–19 LIFFe, the Ljubljana International Film Festival, will be bringing a packed programme of movies from around the world to the capital, along with related events

November 10 Folk Music Hit Parade 2018, aka Oberkrainerfest, with a sample from last year shown below

November 10 & 11 St Martin’s Day, aka Martinovanje, is a celebration of the new wine, with wine, food and music events taking place all over Slovenia, including Ljubljana, Maribor, Nova Gorica, Vipava Valley, the Karst region, Brda, Koper and elsewhere

November 16–17 Kurzschluss electronic music festival, with Cocoon / Sven Väthom, and Fatboy Slim

November 16–17 Wine Route in the Tunnels in Kranj

November 16–18 Kaki (Persimmon) Festival, Strunjan. A must visit for anyone by the coast who loves the fruit

November 17 Piran Days of Architecture Conference

November 24 The Festival of Night and Fiery Ambiences Ana Plamenita will be bringing fire-based installations to Ljubljana

November 24–December 2 LGBT Film Festival, Ljubljana


Photo of the Month

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