Tourism Industry Calls for End to “Senseless Restrictions"

By , 28 Apr 2021, 13:49 PM Travel
Tourism Industry Calls for End to “Senseless Restrictions" JL Flanner

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STA, 27 April 2021 - The Slovenian Tourism and Hospitality Chamber (Turistično gostinska zbornica Slovenije - TGZS) demands that the government immediately change of scale back restrictions in the industry that it deems "senseless" and a drag on business.

The chamber made the appeal on Tuesday, a day after accommodation was allowed to reopen after several months of complete closure.

However, establishments may only open up to 30 rooms and guests have to provide negative tests, or proof of vaccination or evidence of having already had coronavirus.

As a result, many establishments chose not to reopen at this point given that it is not economical to operate so few rooms.

The chamber said this restriction was "particularly illogical" in campsites, apartments and bungalows, which are safe.

The most senseless measure, according to the chamber, is the restriction on the use of hotel restaurants by guests given that restaurants may operate indoor seating in regions in the yellow tier of restrictions.

"In practice, this means that a guest ... stays at a hotel ... but may not enter the hotel restaurant. They may, however, simply walk into a restaurant across the street."

The chamber also said it had been informed about the reopening just days before, despite numerous appeals for the communication of such decisions at least a month in advance so that marketing campaigns may start early enough.

"We understand how demanding these decisions are, but Italy, for example, said at the end of April that cultural institutions, outdoor pools, hotels, restaurants, gyms, fairs, conventions, spas and theme parks would reopen on 1 July."


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