Conference Attendees in Ljubljana Spend Almost 500 Euros a Day

By , 19 Mar 2018, 11:28 AM Travel
Conference Attendees in Ljubljana Spend Almost 500 Euros a Day Pixabay - Alexas Fotos CC by 0

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And 97% leave with positive impressions of the city. 

STA, 19 March, 2018 – A visitor who comes to Ljubljana for a three-day conference spends an average 494 euro a day, which is almost four times more than a leisure visitor. Their experience of the city is very positive and as many as 97% of them would visit Ljubljana again, shows Turizem Ljubljana's survey.

Conference visitors are highly educated, with 86% of those questioned holding a Master's degree or a PhD, showed the survey, conduced by Toleranca Marketing among 302 participants of four conferences from 67 countries last September.

Just over half of them, 56%, were aged between 30 and 49, and 65% of them worked in the public sector.

More than 80% of them arrived in Slovenia by plane, some used other means of public transport, a train or a bus (8%), and only 13% arrived by car.

Some 73% of conference participants spent two to four nights in the capital, said Turizem Ljubljana, the capital city's tourist board.

Almost 70% of them stayed at hotel and 13% found accommodation through Airbnb. According to Turizem Ljubljana, hotels and other accommodation facilities were 90-98% booked at the time.

In the three days of their stay in the capital, a conference attendant spends 1,482 euro on average, with most of the money (73%) going for participant's fees, accommodation and transfer costs.

The respondents deem the costs comparable to or even slightly higher than the costs in other destinations they visit to attend similar events.

The survey has shown that 97% of the respondents would visit Ljubljana again and are interested in events in the region, 94% of them were happy or very happy with the event they attended in the capital.

They praised the sense of security, the kindness and hospitality of locals, the cleanness of the city and conference staff.

They were also happy with their accommodation, local cuisine, accessibility of the destination, prices and entertainment options.


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