Forbes Magazine: What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From The Slovenian Mindset

By , 14 Nov 2017, 13:10 PM Business
Celline in Ljubljana. Photo credits: Celline Da Costa's Twitter Celline in Ljubljana. Photo credits: Celline Da Costa's Twitter

Because mindset is everything.

 They say a mindset is a collection of habits, routines and thoughts we think every day. Now, I don’t know what Slovenians think, but I know for sure that if you spend so much time in nature and grow your own vegetables, your thoughts can’t be that bad, can they?

Slovenians and their apparently successful mindset were discussed in Forbes article by  Celinne Da Costa. She mentions several characteristics of the Slovenian mindset and their really useful habits as solutions which entrepreneurs can use when “the going gets tough in entrepreneurship”.If you’re an entrepreneur, or even if you’re not, you can learn a lot from Slovenians. What stroke me first about Slovenians and their mindset is that they are very well organized, go to bed  early and wake up really early at 5 a.m. be it for their job, to prepare the children for school or to do their morning routine of exercising, running, swimming, you name it they do it.

Who can beat a person who wakes up at 5:00 a.m by their own choice?

Read for some more reasons here. 


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