What's on in Ljubljana: December 11 - 18, 2017

By , 09 Dec 2017, 20:44 PM Lifestyle
Marij Pregelj - Retrospektiva, at Moderna galerija Marij Pregelj - Retrospektiva, at Moderna galerija mg-lj.si

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A little of what's on in and around town. 


The temperature’s due to drop this week, and I’m already hitting the streets in outfits that have at least 17 pockets, all told, at least ten of which could plausibly hold my wallet. So be sure to wrap up if you’ll be much exposed to the elements on your trips out in the evenings. While Ljubljana has much more to offer that the items listed below, here’s a taste of what’s on in the capital the next seven days.


See our guide to December for full details, or just go anywhere in the pedestrianised area and you’ll eventually come across some markets and music. One new addition this week is the Good Fairy, who appears in front of City Hall, in Mestni trg, each evening. Meanwhile, at Novi trg, there are a variety of different concerts every night at 19:00. Students of the Ljubljana Vič – Rudnik will also be playing a series of Christmas concerts at Križanke, starting at 17:00, December 15 to 17. Admission free.


Todd Haynes latest film, Wonderstruck, plays every day this week at Kindvor, along with other arthouse hits (schedule).


The last big show of the year at the Moderna galerija’s Cankarjeva branch (the one near Tivoli, not Metelkova) is a retrospective of the Slovene painter Marij Pregelj, whose work appears at the top of this page. It opens at 20:00, December 14, when you may be lucky enough to get some free wine and canapés.


Metelkova’s Klub Monokel will host a second LEZ 'SYNC CONTEST on 16 December, starting at 23:00 and lasting until 05:00. Details at Facebook.


The Goran Rukavina Quartet will be playing jazz at Slamič Coffeehouse, Kersnikova ulica 1, December 13, 20:00.

Tamara Gombač (cello) and Maja Gombač (piano) will be playing Beethoven, Schumann and von Dohnányi, while Luka Mitev (bassoon) and Pandelina Atanasova (piano) will be playing Vivaldi, Bitsch, Firšt, and C. Saint-Saens at an edition of the Young Virtuosi international concert series, held at 19:30, December 14. Admission is free (details).

On December 14, and at around 21:00, Pritličje will play host to a concert by Kukushai.

Billie Holiday fans can see the Fake Orchestra’s jazz tribute to her at Ljubljana Castle, December 15, at 21:00

Tigerbalm is playing a show at Klub K4, December 16 December, 23:00–5:00.

The Mandolina Orchestra will be playing familiar tunes in an unfamiliar manner at 19:30, December 18, at Španski boric


The Lela Soto Sordera Flamenco Group will be appearing at Cankarjev dom, December 12, 20:00.

Offenbach’s Orpheus in the Underworld is being performed at the Opera House at 19:00 December 14 and 16, and 17:00 December 17.

D. Dachauer will be presenting the contemporary dance pieceWunderbare Jahre / Čudovita Leta at 20:00, December 18, at the PTL - Dance Theatre Ljubljana.


12 Dec, 20:00 Basketball - Petrol Olimpija vs SIG Strasbourg, Stožice Sports Hall.

16 Dec, 17:30 Hockey - HK SŽ Olimpija vs HDD Jesenice, Tivoli Sports Hall.

17 Dec, 18:00 Basketball - KD Ilirija vs Petrol Olimpija, Tivoli Sports Hall.


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