64% of Slovenian Households Have Financial Problems

By , 17 Jan 2018, 15:34 PM News
64% of Slovenian Households Have Financial Problems Image from SURS

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More data from the Statistics Office. 

January 17, 2018

Almost every Slovenian household had a telephone (99%), a washing machine (98%) and a TV set (97%) in 2016, shows data from the Statistics Office, as reported by STA on January 17, 2018. Computers were stationed in 77% of households.

In an overview of Slovenian households, the Statistics Office said that 84% of households had a clean environment, 95% of households were properly lit and 94% were adequately heated.

A bit more than a third of Slovenian households (36%) had no problems getting through 2016, with the rest running into difficulties to make ends meet.

In addition, 15% of households were late in paying housing costs because of financial troubles at least once in the 12 months prior to the survey.

The at-risk-of-poverty threshold in 2016 stood at EUR 616 net for a single-person household, with one in seven or 280,000 Slovenians living below the threshold, down from 287,000 in 2015.

More than half of households (55%) could afford unexpected expenses of EUR 600 in 2016. On the other hand, 16% of people aged 16 or more could not afford payable leisure activities.

Nine in ten Slovenians afforded a get-together with friends or relatives at least once a month and 69% of all Slovenian households afforded a one-week vacation for the entire household.

In 2016, 371,000 Slovenians were at risk of social exclusion, down from 385,000 in the year before.

More analysis of other figures released by the Statistical Office can be found in our earlier report.


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