
03 Oct 2018, 18:00 PM

STA, 3 October - For almost a month Slovenia's tallest peak, Mount Triglav, was without the Aljaž Tower, a symbol not only of Slovenian mountains but of the country at large. On Wednesday, the landmark was returned to the top of the mountain, where it had stood for 123 years before it had to be lowered to the valley for much needed repairs. 

03 Oct 2018, 17:00 PM

If you were in downtown Ljubljana last night, October 2 2018, then you might have wondered if New Year’s had come early, such was the noise, revelry and display of fireworks in the centre. 

03 Oct 2018, 14:30 PM

STA, 2 October 2018 - The government has drawn up amendments to the social assistance benefits act to keep the basic welfare allowance at EUR 393 after 1 January 2019. Without the amendments, the allowance would be lower as of next year. 

03 Oct 2018, 13:00 PM

STA, 2 October 2018 - Samo Fakin, the new health minister, held his first meeting with hospital directors on Tuesday as he sets out to tackle the toughest issue under the purview of his portfolio, long hospital waiting times. He said he expected results within six months and indicated additional funding would be only a part of the solution. 

03 Oct 2018, 11:50 AM

STA, 2 October 2018 - Franc Kangler, the former Maribor mayor who was forced out of office amid mass protests in 2012, will bid in the 18 November local elections in a renewed attempt to defeat his successor in office. 

03 Oct 2018, 10:20 AM

STA, 1 October 2018 - The European Commission has proposed financial support for three Slovenian projects from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) fund, totalling almost EUR 14m. One of the projects is coordinated by energy company Petrol and the other two will be carried out by the Slovenia's air traffic control service.

03 Oct 2018, 08:30 AM

Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday 3 October: 2018, as prepared by the STA

02 Oct 2018, 18:00 PM

When reading these numbers it’s worth noting that the current population of Slovenia is estimated at 2.08 million. 

02 Oct 2018, 16:50 PM

STA, 1 October 2018 - A court has recently ruled that a healthcare worker who refused to accept an HIV-positive patient discriminated them, said Legebitra, a LGBT rights NGO, and labelled the ruling a landmark in legal protection of HIV-positive people. 

02 Oct 2018, 14:25 PM

STA, 1 October 2018 - After several consecutive loss-making years, media outlets in Slovenia broke even last year by generating a cumulative net profit of EUR 4m on EUR 447m in sales revenue, shows a fresh analysis of official data. 

02 Oct 2018, 12:55 PM

STA, 1 October 2018 - New rules governing tourist accommodation facilities in Slovenia took effect on Monday, introducing internationally-comparable Hotelstars standards and giving accommodation owners six months to adjust. 


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