Žižek “Nothing Unexpected Happened in the Slovene Elections”

By , 04 Jun 2018, 22:16 PM Politics
Žižek 2015 at the Bookfair of Leipzig presenting his new book "Some Blasphemic Reflexions" Žižek 2015 at the Bookfair of Leipzig presenting his new book "Some Blasphemic Reflexions" Wikimedia - Amrei-Marie CC by 4.0

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Spoiler – he comes out in favour of Levica.

June 04, 2018

Writing in the UK Independent, local boy made good Slavoj Žižek gives a hot take on the elections, by way of Donald Trump and Roseanne Barr. It’s perhaps most interesting for an account of a racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic rant against George Soros that appeared in the SDS weekly Demokracija in 2016, and authored by one of the party's "main ideologists", but here’s the first paragraph from the man himself on Sunday’s vote:

Nothing unexpected happened in the Slovene elections: although the anti-immigrant nationalist-populist Slovene Democratic Party (SDS) of Janez Janša emerged as the strongest single party, the ruling centre-left coalition got many more votes. After a protracted bargaining, this coalition will probably continue to rule and, through its lack of vision, corruption scandals, and so on, make it sure that SDS will remain a convenient “fascist” threat, a scare ready to be evoked every four years in order to blackmail the majority of voters to elect the same “anti-fascist” pseudo-left.

The whole text can be read here., while the man himself can be seen talking about the results on Russian Today, below.


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