40% of Newly Elected MPs Women, Record for Slovenia

By , 25 Apr 2022, 18:27 PM Politics
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STA, 25 April 2022 - As many as 36 women have been elected to the 90-seat National Assembly, which translates in 40% of all MPs, a record figure ever since Slovenia gained independence. The Freedom Movement, the election winner, leads the way - it has not only the largest number of women MPs but more than half of its elected candidates are women.

According to the unofficial partial results of Sunday's election, the Freedom Movement will have 22 women MPs, which is nearly 54% of the party's deputies.

A total of three women were elected to parliament on the slate of the SocDems, which came in fourth, accounting for almost 43% of the SD's deputy group.

The fifth-placed Left has two women out of its five elected MPs (40%).

The two parties of the outgoing coalition that have made it to parliament have below 30% women MPs.

The second-placed Democrats (SDS) and the third-placed New Slovenia (NSi) have seven and two women MPs, respectively.

The SDS's share is thus nearly 26%, whereas the NSi has the lowest share of women MPs among all the parties that will be in the next parliament - 25%.

Prior to this election, the highest number of women MPs in Slovenia, 32, was recorded at the end of the 2011-2014 and 2014-2018 terms.

The lowest number of women MPs was meanwhile seen during the 1996-2000 and 2004-2008 terms, when there were only eleven female MPs.

In the term that is now coming to an end, 22 women were originally elected to parliament, and at the end of the term, Slovenia had 26 women MPs due to various reshuffles.


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