Ljubljana related

06 Jan 2021, 15:29 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Je cepivo varno?

Is the vaccine safe?

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Ponavadi razvoj cepiva traja 10 let ali celo več. Kako smo torej lahko dobili cepivo proti novemu koronavirusu v enem letu?

A vaccine usually takes 10 years or more to develop. So how could we get a vaccine against the new coronavirus in one year?

Razlogov je več.

There are several reasons.

Vsa zdravila gredo skozi zahtevne postopke odobritve. Ko se prične razvoj cepiva, znanstveniki najprej preučijo virus in raziščejo, kako bi cepivo sploh delovalo.

All medicines go through demanding approval procedures. When vaccine development begins, scientists first examine the virus and investigate how the vaccine would work at all.

Že ta faza lahko vzame več let. Pri novem koronavirusu so jo močno skrajšali.

This phase alone can take years. In the new coronavirus, it was greatly shortened.

Znanstveniki na začetku teste izvajajo na celičnih kulturah, šele nato na živalih, na primer laboratorijskih miškah. Takrat preverjajo varnost in učinkovitost cepiva.

Scientists initially perform tests on cell cultures, and only then on animals such as laboratory mice. They then check the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine.

Ker pa človek ni miš, sledijo še klinična testiranja na ljudeh.

However, since humans are not mice, clinical trials in humans follow.

Najprej varnost cepiva preizkusijo na manjši skupini ljudi. Če ne zbolijo, študijo razširijo na večje število prostovoljcev. Pri vsaki fazi testiranja se njihovo število poveča in na koncu znaša okoli 30.000 ljudi.

The safety of the vaccine is first tested on a small group of people. If they do not get sick, they expand the study to a larger number of volunteers. At each stage of testing, their number increases and eventually amounts to about 30,000 people.

Hkrati pričnejo preizkušati učinkovitost cepiva; torej, ali ljudi sploh zaščiti pred okužbo. Obenem ugotavljajo, kakšna doza cepiva je najprimernejša.

At the same time, they begin to test the effectiveness of the vaccine, thus whether it protects people from infection at all. At the same time, they determine what dose of vaccine is most appropriate.

Faze kliničnega testiranja si običajno sledijo druga za drugo, tokrat pa so se med seboj prekrivale. To pomeni, da so hkrati testirali učinkovitost in predvsem varnost cepiva na zelo velikem številu ljudi in tako hitreje izpeljali vse klinične študije.

The phases of clinical testing usually follow one another, but this time they overlapped. This means that they tested the effectiveness and, above all, the safety of the vaccine in a very large number of people, and thus carried out all the clinical studies more quickly.

Prav tako znanstveniki niso imeli težav z iskanjem prostovoljcev.

Moreover, the scientists had no trouble finding volunteers.

»Ponavadi izbiranje prostovoljcev traja tedne ali mesece. V tem primeru pa se je to zgodilo čez noč,« pravi profesor Adam Finn, raziskovalec, ki sodeluje pri razvoju cepiva podjeta AstraZeneca v sodelovanju z univerzo v Oxfordu.

“Usually, selecting volunteers takes weeks or months. In this case, however, it happened overnight,” says Professor Adam Finn, a researcher involved in the development of the AstraZeneca vaccine in collaboration with the University of Oxford.

Financiranje ni bilo ovira, ker so cepiva razvijala večinoma velika podjetja s podporo mnogih držav.

Funding was not a barrier because the vaccines were developed mostly by large companies with the support of many countries.

Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje je prejel eno prijavo neželenega učinka po cepljenju in prijavo smrti, ki je časovno sovpadala s cepljenjem v domu za starejše.

The [Slovenian] National Institutes of Public Health received one report of an adverse reaction after vaccination and a report of a death that coincided in time with the vaccination at a nursing home.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

13 Dec 2020, 22:34 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Netopirji v samoizolaciji

Bats in self-isolation

Written by Urša Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Ne samo ljudje, tudi vampirski netopirji se ob slabem počutju samoizolirajo. Tako je pokazala nedavno objavljena raziskava.

Not only people, but also vampire bats self-isolate when they feel unwell. So a recent study showed.

Vampirski netopirji živijo v kolonijah v Srednji in Južni Ameriki. Ponoči priletijo iz svojih prenočišč in s posebnimi čutili iščejo svoj plen.

Vampire bats live in colonies in Central and South America. At night, they fly in from their homes and search for their prey with special senses.

Prehranjujejo se s krvjo krav, prašičev, konjev in ptic, zelo redko ugriznejo človeka. So zelo družabne živali. Če so kakšni netopirji v koloniji lačni, jih drugi nahranijo v zameno za negovanje, so odkrili znanstveniki.

They feed on the blood of cows, pigs, horses and birds, and very rarely bite a human. They are very social animals. If some bats in the colony are hungry, others feed them in exchange for grooming, scientists have discovered.

»V laboratoriju smo pri netopirjih v ujetništvu že pokazali, da bolni netopirji redkeje negujejo druge in izvajajo manj kontaktnih klicev. Zdaj pa nas je zanimalo, kako se obnašajo v naravnem okolju,« je povedal Gerald G. Carter, eden od avtorjev raziskave.

“In the laboratory, we have already shown in captive bats that sick bats are less likely to care for others and make fewer contact calls. Now we were interested in how they behave in the natural environment,” said Gerald G. Carter, one of the authors of the study.

Tokrat so raziskovalci iz enotne kolonije navadnih vampirskih netopirjev, ki živijo na območju države Belize v Srednji Ameriki, vzeli 31 samic.

This time, researchers took 31 females from a single colony of common vampire bats living in the Central American state of Belize.

Šestnajstim so vbrizgali molekulo, ki jim je sprožila slabo počutje. Petnajstim pa so dali placebo, torej so jim dali odmerek brez učinka.

Sixteen were injected with a molecule that made them feel unwell. Fifteen were given a placebo, so they were given an injection with no effect.

Vse so opremili z majčkenimi računalniškimi nahrbtniki, nič večjimi od kovanca za en cent. S senzorji bližine v njih so spremljali stike med njimi.

They were all equipped with tiny computer backpacks no larger than a one-cent coin. The proximity sensors in these monitored the contacts between them.

Nato so jih spustili nazaj v naravo in opazovali, kako se premikajo. Nekaj ur kasneje je cepivo začelo delovati in dobili so občutek, da so zboleli.

They then dropped them back into nature and watched them move. A few hours later, the injection started working and they got the feeling that they were sick.

Občutek bolezni je zelo spremenil njihovo vedenje.

The feeling of illness greatly changed their behaviour.

Slabotni netopirji so manj pogosto prihajali v stik z drugimi v koloniji, držali so se bolj zase ali pa so se družili le z drugimi obolelimi.

Sick bats were less likely to come into contact with others in the colony, kept more to themselves, or socialized only with other sufferers.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

07 Dec 2020, 16:17 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Kako se odlepiti od kavča?

How to leave the couch?

Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Za tiste, ki vse ljube dni ždijo na kavču, gledajo televizijo in nič ne migajo, so si Angleži izmislili duhovit izraz »couch potato« (couch je kavč, potato pa krompir). In takšni zabušanti, odrasli in otroci, so se v zadnjih tednih spet namnožili po slovenskih kavčih.

For those who spend all day on the couch, watching television and not blinking, the English coined the witty term "couch potato" (couch is kavč, potato is krompir). And such slackers, adults and children, have in recent weeks multiplied again on Slovenian couches.

Že septembra so strokovnjaki za šport opozorili, da so bili otroci med pomladansko epidemijo premalo telesno dejavni in so se posledično zredili. Rezultat drugega vala epidemije verjetno ne bo nič boljši.

As early as September, sports experts warned that children were not physically active enough during the spring epidemic, and had gained weight as a result. The outcome of the second wave of the epidemic is unlikely to be any better.

Primanjkljaj organizirane vadbe se namreč pozna že po nekaj tednih, opozarja dr. Gregor Jurak s Fakultete za šport. Že v nekoronskih časih so med poletnimi počitnicami otrokom upadle telesne zmogljivosti. A ne toliko kot zdaj, v času izolacijskih ukrepov. Otroci ste namreč ostali brez pouka športne vzgoje, brez zunajšolskih športnih programov in s precej omejitvami pri gibanju v domačem okolju.

The lack of organised exercise already has effects after a few weeks, warns Dr. Gregor Jurak from the Faculty of Sports. Already in non-corona times, children's physical performance declined during the summer holidays. But not as much as now, during the isolation measures. Specifically, the children were left without physical education classes, without extracurricular sports programs and with considerable restrictions on movement in the home environment.

Gibati se moramo vsaj dve uri na dan in se pri tem še dobro oznojiti. Vir: FreepikGibati se moramo vsaj dve uri na dan in se pri tem še dobro oznojiti, svetuje dr. Gregor Jurak.

Kaj storiti?

What can we do?

Gibaj se najmanj dve uri na dan, svetuje dr. Jurak. Toda tvoja telovadba mora biti tako zahtevna, da se zadihaš in preznojiš! Tako se potem zagotovo bolje počutiš in imaš manj učnih težav.

Exercise for at least two hours a day, advises Dr. Jurak. But your  workout has to be so demanding that you gasp and sweat! Then you’ll definitely feel better and have fewer learning difficulties.

V času šolanja na daljavo je problem tudi v tem, da šolarji in dijaki preveč časa preživite pred napravami. Jasno je treba določiti čas, ki ga otrok oziroma mladostnik lahko preživi pred zaslonom le za razvedrilo, meni Jurak. In ponudi konkretno »formulo«: samo toliko časa, kolikor si se pred tem preznojil z gibanjem.

During distance learning, a problem is also that schoolchildren and students spend too much time in front of devices. It is necessary to clearly define the time that a child or adolescent can spend in front of the screen just for fun, Jurak believes. And give a concrete “formula” for this: just for as long as you were sweating with movement before.

V marsikateri družini niso samo otroci tisti, ki so ves čas prilepljeni na zaslone. Zato je dobro, da za vse družinske člane določimo v stanovanju prostor za telefone. Telefon nikakor ne sodi za jedilno mizo med obroki in v spalnico, opozarja Gregor Jurak.

In many families, it’s not just children who are glued to screens all the time. Therefore it’s good to reserve a space for phones in the apartment for all family members. The phone does not belong on the dining table during meals and in the bedroom, warns Gregor Jurak.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

30 Nov 2020, 17:27 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Praznične luči, prižgite se!

Holiday lights, turn on!

Written by Barbara Petrovčič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Si že v nizkem štartu za veseli december?

Are you already in a low-key start for Happy December?

Božičnega vzdušja ni brez toplih oblačil, dišečih piškotov, božičnih pesmi, z lučkami obsijanega mesta in božične jelke.

There is no Christmas atmosphere without warm clothes, delicious smelling cookies, Christmas carols, the lights of a bright city and a Christmas tree.

V Ljubljani že nekaj dni krasijo mesto, da bi kljub pandemiji koronavirusa meščanom pričarali božično vzdušje.

In Ljubljana for several days now the city has been getting decorated to conjure up a Christmas atmosphere for people, despite the coronavirus pandemic.

Božična smreka na Prešernovem trgu že stoji. Petdeset kilometrov luči je obešenih in danes bodo prvič zasvetile.

The Christmas spruce in Prešeren Square is already standing. Fifty kilometres of lights are hanging and they will light up for the first time today.

A zaradi koronavirusa bo tradicionalen prižig lučk drugačen kot do zdaj. Nobene prireditve ne bo, tudi nagovora župana ne. Na Mestni občini Ljubljana pravijo, da bodo lučke prižgali enkrat sredi dneva in ne v popoldanskih urah kot običajno.

But because of the coronavirus, the traditional turning on of lights will be different than before. There will be no event, not even the mayor's address. The City of Ljubljana says that the lights will be turned on in the middle of the day and not in the afternoon as usual.

»Čeprav zbiranje trenutno ni dovoljeno, bo vseeno lepo. Ljubljančani si bodo okrasitev lahko ogledali na sprehodu in tako začutili malce božičnega vzdušja,« so zatrdili na občini.

“Although gathering is not allowed at the moment, it will still be nice. The people of Ljubljana will be able to see the decoration on a walk and thus feel a bit of the Christmas atmosphere, "said the municipality.

Za letošnjo okrasitev je že drugo leto zapored poskrbel Urban Modic, sin Zmaga Modica, ki je Ljubljano okraševal kar enaindvajset let. Velik del okrasitve ostaja enak kot prejšnja leta, nekaj elementov pa bo novih.

For the second year in a row, this year's decorations were taken care of by Urban Modic, the son of Zmago Modic, who has been decorating Ljubljana for twenty-one years. Much of the decorations remain the same as in previous years, but some elements will be new.

Tema letošnje okrasitve je »ranljivost in trdoživost življenja«.

The theme of this year's decorations is "the vulnerability and durability of life".

Letos so prav tako odpovedani vsi koncerti.

All concerts are also cancelled this year.

Kaj pa silvestrski ognjemet?

What about New Year's Eve fireworks?

Na občini si želijo, da bi se razmere dovolj izboljšale, da bi lahko izpeljali božični sejem in silvestrski ognjemet.

The municipality wants the situation to improve enough to be able to hold a Christmas fair and New Year's Eve fireworks.

Lučke bodo te dni prižgali tudi v drugih mestih po Sloveniji – v Mariboru, Kopru, Novem mestu, Kranju in Celju. Koronavirus pa je povsod preprečil koncerte in druge dogodke, na katerih se je prejšnja leta v prazničnem decembru trlo ljudi.

The lights will also be turned on these days in other cities in Slovenia - in Maribor, Koper, Novo mesto, Kranj and Celje. The coronavirus, however, prevented concerts and other events everywhere, which in previous years were crowded in festive December.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

23 Nov 2020, 16:14 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Kako pomagati otrokom v času epidemije?

How to help children during an epidemic?

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Učitelji in starši se vse pogosteje sprašujejo, kako trenutne razmere doživljate otroci in kaj te pomenijo za njihovo nadaljnje življenje.

Teachers and parents are increasingly wondering how children currently experience the current situation and what it means for their future lives.

Kakšne posledice bodo epidemija in ukrepi za njeno zajezitev pustili na otrocih? Jasnih odgovorov še ni, pravi strokovnjakinja dr. Mojca Juriševič s pedagoške fakultete.

What marks will the epidemic and measures to contain it leave on children? There are no clear answers yet, says expert Dr. Mojca Juriševič from the Faculty of Education.

Vemo pa, da ste mnogi v stiski.

But we know that many of you are in need.

Staršem in učiteljem je svetovala, kako naj pomagajo, da se boste lažje spopadli z negotovimi razmerami.

She advised parents and teachers on how to help cope with the precarious situation.

Za zdrav razvoj otroci potrebujete občutek varnosti, povezanosti in zaupanja pa tudi občutek, da zmorete in da lahko aktivno prispevate, pravi strokovnjakinja.

For healthy development, children need a sense of security, connection and trust, as well as a sense that they can actively contribute, says the expert.

Te občutke in izkušnje pridobivate doma, krepite jih v odnosih s prijatelji in sošolci, a tudi v šoli.

You gain these feelings and experiences at home, strengthen them in relationships with friends and classmates, but also at school.

Šola je namreč okolje, ki prepoznava in spodbuja vaše interese, vabi k usvajanju znanja, uči, kako se spoprijeti z ovirami, in navaja na učenje, delo in sobivanje.

The school is an environment that recognises and promotes your interests, invites you to acquire knowledge, teaches you how to deal with obstacles, and teaches you to learn, work and love together.

»Iz prvega vala epidemije vemo, da so otroci upoštevali ukrepe za preprečevanje širjenja okužbe in se trudili opravljati šolsko delo v izjemnih razmerah. A ko sta se vrtec in šola prenesla na dom, so začeli pogrešati vrstnike, učitelje in šolski vsakdan. Večinoma so se izredni situaciji uspeli prilagoditi; kako dobro, je bilo odvisno od njihovih družin in konkretne podpore šol. Otroci s posebnimi potrebami in tisti iz družin z različnimi težavami pa so v tem času doživljali hude stiske.«

“We know from the first wave of the epidemic that children took measures to prevent the spread of the infection and tried to do their schoolwork in exceptional circumstances. But as kindergarten and school moved into the home, they began to miss peers, teachers, and school every day. For the most part, they managed to adapt to the emergency situation; how well depended on their families and the concrete support of the schools. Children with special needs and those from families with various problems experienced severe hardships during this time. "

Kako lahko odrasli prispevamo k dobremu počutju otrok in mladostnikov v danih razmerah?

How can adults contribute to the well-being of children and adolescents in the given situation?

Nadvse pomembno je, da se pogovarjamo, pravi strokovnjakinja.

It is extremely important that we talk, says the expert.

»Vprašajmo jih, kako se počutijo, o čem razmišljajo, kaj jih skrbi. Odgovarjajmo na vprašanja in skupaj iščimo odgovore, ki so primerni njihovi starosti in stopnji razumevanja.«

“Let’s ask them how they feel, what they think, what worries them. Let's answer the questions and together we look for answers that are appropriate for their age and level of understanding. "

Korona naj ne bo v središču vsakdana, a ne sprenevedajmo se, a obenem se ne pretvarjajmo, da je vse normalno.

Corona should not be at the centre of everyday life, but at the same time we are not pretending that everything is normal.

»Ne stresajmo jeze in nezadovoljstva nad ukrepi pred otroke, delimo z njimi misli, pomisleke, čustva, ne igrajmo vloge superjunaka, ki mu nič ne pride do živega.«

"Let's not shake with anger and dissatisfaction with the restrictions in front of children, we can share thoughts, concerns, emotions with them, let's not play the role of a superhero whom nothing upsets."

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

16 Nov 2020, 18:43 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Joe Biden bo novi ameriški predsednik

Joe Biden will be the new US President

Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Več kot tri dni je ves svet nestrpno čakal na rezultate ameriških predsedniških volitev. V soboto popoldne po našem času so tri največje ameriške televizijske hiše končno za zmagovalca razglasile demokratskega kandidata Joeja Bidna.

For more than three days, the whole world has been eagerly awaiting the results of the U.S. presidential election. On Saturday afternoon our time, the three largest American television stations finally declared the Democratic candidate Joe Biden the winner.

Donald Trump pa noče priznati poraza. Trdi, da volitve še niso končane. A v resnici ni več mogoče, da bi število nepreštetih glasov še spremenilo rezultat.

Donald Trump, however, refuses to admit defeat. He claims the election is not over yet. But in reality, it is no longer possible for the number of uncounted votes to change the result.

Joe Biden se je takoj po objavi neuradnih rezultatov oglasil s tvitom. »Ponosen sem, da ste me izbrali za to, da vodim našo véliko državo,« je zapisal. »Delo, ki je pred nami, bo težko, toda obljubljam vam tole: bom predsednik vseh Američanov – pa če ste volili zame ali ne. Upravičil bom vaše zaupanje.«

Joe Biden tweeted immediately after the unofficial results were announced. "I am proud that you have chosen me to lead our great country," he wrote. "The work ahead will be difficult, but I promise you this: I will be the president of all Americans - whether you voted for me or not. I will justify your trust. "

Joe Biden se bo v zgodovino zapisal kot najstarejši predsednik doslej – 20. novembra bo dopolnil 78 let.

Joe Biden will go down in history as the oldest president ever - on November 20, he will turn 78.

V zgodovino pa se bodo te volitve zapisale tudi s tem, ker je bila na podpredsedniško mesto prvič izvoljena ženska, in to temnopolta. Petinpetdesetletna Kamala Harris je hči priseljencev, mame Indijke in očeta z Jamajke. Vzgojena je bila v večinsko črnski soseski in se že vse življenje sooča z rasizmom. Biden jo je označil za »bojevnico za malega človeka«.

However, these elections will also go down in history because a black woman was elected vice-president for the first time. Fifty-five-year-old Kamala Harris is the daughter of immigrants, an Indian mother and a Jamaican father. She was raised in a predominantly black neighbourhood and has faced racism all her life. Biden called her a "warrior for the little man."

Na novico o zmagi se je v pogovoru z Bidnom odzvala s svojim značilnim gromkim smehom:

She responded to the news of the victory in a conversation with Biden with her characteristic loud laugh:

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

09 Nov 2020, 16:29 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Ptice so začele peti tiše

The birds began to sing quieter

Written by Urša Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Od sredine marca, ko so povsod po svetu začeli veljati ukrepi zaradi pandemije, je raziskovalna skupina natančno poslušala oglašanje ptic na obali San Francisca in v njegovi okolici.

Since mid-March, when pandemic measures took effect around the world, a research team has been listening intently to bird calls on and around the San Francisco coast.

Prišla je do presenetljivega odkritja: ptice so prepevale tišje kot leta poprej. In ne samo to. Tudi njihovo vedenje se je spremenilo.

it made a surprising discovery: the birds sang quieter than previous years. And not only that. Their behaviour has also changed.

Poslušali so beloglave vrabonade iz družine vrabcev. Na podeželju, kjer je slišati le veter in morske valove, pojejo drugače kot v glasnem mestu.

They listened to the white-crowned sparrow from the sparrow family. In the countryside, where only the wind and sea waves can be heard, they sing differently than in a loud city.

Vozila proizvajajo stalen šum na nizki frekvenci. Slišimo ga kjerkoli v mestu. Zaradi tega mestnega šuma se tudi ptice pevke med seboj slabše slišijo.

Vehicles produce constant noise at low frequency. We hear it everywhere in the city. Due to this city noise, songbirds also hear each other less well.

»To jim povzroča veliko težav. S svojo pesmijo namreč iščejo partnerja, branijo hrano in gnezdo. Številne ptice pevke so razvile prilagoditve, s katerimi preglasijo mestni hrup,« je za Časoris razložila vodja raziskovalne skupine Elizabeth Derryberry.

“It causes them a lot of problems. With their song they’e looking for a partner, defending food and a nest. Many songbirds have developed adaptations to overcome city noise, ”research team leader Elizabeth Derryberry told Časoris.

Da bi ptice preglasile šum iz okolice, so se v mestu začele oglašati glasneje in na višjih frekvencah. V času umiritve javnega življenja zaradi pandemije novega koronavirusa pa se je mestni šum močno zmanjšal in vplival tudi na petje ptic.

In order for the birds to drown out the noise from the surroundings, they began to sing louder and at higher frequencies in the city. At a time when public life was calming down due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, however, city noise was greatly reduced and this also affected bird singing.

»Šum mesta je postal podoben šumu iz časa, ko so v njem odraščali naše babice in dedki. Ko je mesto skoraj utihnilo, se je spremenilo tudi petje ptic. Pele so tišje, na nižjih frekvencah in uporabljale so širši razpon tonov,« je še dodala Elizabeth.

“The noise of the city has become similar to the noise from the time when our grandparents grew up in it. As the city almost fell silent, the birdsong also changed. They sang quieter, at lower frequencies, and used a wider range of tones, ”added Elizabeth.

Njihov napev je postal bolj podoben napevu ptičev na podeželju. Njihovo petje je bilo slišati dvakrat dlje kot ponavadi.

Their song became more like the songs of birds in the countryside. Their singing was heard twice as long as usual.

Tudi njihovo vedenje se je spremenilo. Samci so postali manj bojeviti.

Their behaviour has also changed. Males have become less combative.


Napev samca beloglavega vrabonada

The tune of a male white-crowned sparrow.

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01 Nov 2020, 21:26 PM

Learn Slovenian online with simple texts in Slovene and English.

Še en teden počitnic

Another week of vacation

Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Vlada Janeza Janše je ukrepe za preprečevanje širitve novega koronavirusa podaljšala za teden dni.

The government of Janez Janša has extended the measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus for a week.

Vladni govorec Jelko Kacin je za Televizijo Slovenija že potrdil, da bodo osnovnošolci imeli še en teden počitnic, srednješolci pa se bodo prihodnji teden šolali na daljavo.

Government spokesman  Jelko Kacin has already confirmed for Televizija Slovenija that primary school students will have another week off, while secondary school students will study at a distance next week.

Po Evropi so ukrepi ponekod še strožji kot v Sloveniji. A v večini držav so se odločili, da šole ostanejo odprte.

In Europe, some places have measures that are even stricter than in Slovenia. But in most countries, they have decided to keep schools open.

Le na Češkem so šole zaprli 14. oktobra, predvidoma do 3. novembra.

Only in the Czech Republic were schools closed on October 14, probably until November 3.

V Nemčiji, Franciji, na Nizozemskem, v Veliki Britaniji in na Irskem ostajajo vrtci in šole odprti.

In Germany, France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Ireland, kindergartens and schools remain open.

Tudi v Avstriji so šole še vedno odprte. V soboto bo vlada predvidoma odločala o tem, ali se bodo začeli šolati na daljavo srednješolci.

In Austria, schools are also still open. On Saturday, the government is expected to decide whether high school students will start distance learning.

Na Hrvaškem je minister za izobraževanje Radovan Fuchs poudaril, da šole niso žarišča okužb in da zato ni potrebe po šolanju na daljavo. Meni, da je varneje, da so otroci v šoli: »Če otroke pošljemo domov, tam ne bodo v samoizolaciji.«

In Croatia, Education Minister Radovan Fuchs emphasized that schools are not hotbeds of infections and that there is therefore no need for distance learning. He believes it is safer for children to be in school: "If we send children home, they will not be in isolation there."

Unicef, Unesco in Svetovna banka pozivajo države, naj šole tudi v času pandemije ostanejo odprte. Opozarjajo na škodo, ki jo je zapiranje izobraževalnih ustanov po svetu povzročilo zlasti v revnih državah.

UNICEF, UNESCO and the World Bank are urging countries to keep schools open even during a pandemic. They draw attention to the damage caused by the closure of educational institutions around the world, especially in poor countries.

Otroci v revnih državah so bili od začetka pandemije prikrajšani za skoraj štiri mesece šolanja, učenci v bogatejših državah, ki so se učili na daljavo, pa so izgubili šest tednov, so organizacije opozorile v poročilu, v katerem so analizirali razmere v 150 državah.

Children in poor countries have been deprived of nearly four months of schooling since the start of the pandemic, and students in richer countries who have studied at a distance have lost six weeks, the organizations warned in a report analysing the situation in 150 countries.

Ključno je ponovno odprtje šol in zagotavljanje prepotrebnih ur pouka, da bi nadomestili zamujeno, pravi vodja izobraževanja pri Unicefu Robert Jenkins.

The key is to reopen schools and provide much-needed lessons to make up for lost time, says UNICEF ​​Education Manager  Robert Jenkins.

»Ni nam treba iti daleč, da bi videli, kakšno opustošenje je pandemija povzročila pri izobraževanju otrok po vsem svetu.« V državah z nizkimi in srednjimi dohodki je to še večje, saj je dostop do učenja na daljavo omejen.

“We don’t have to go far to see what devastation the pandemic has caused in the education of children around the world.” In low- and middle-income countries this is even greater, as access to distance learning is limited.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

19 Oct 2020, 13:08 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Voda in milo, nedosegljivo razkošje

Water and soap, unattainable luxury

Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Umivanje rok je skupaj z vzdrževanjem varne razdalje in kihanjem in kašljanjem v robček ali rokav najbolj učinkovit ukrep proti širjenju novega koronavirusa. Toda za milijone otrok po vsem svetu sta voda in milo nedosegljivo razkošje, na svetovni dan umivanja rok opozarja Unicef.

Washing hands, along with maintaining a safe distance and sneezing and coughing into a handkerchief or sleeve, is the most effective measure against the spread of the new coronavirus. But for millions of children around the world, water and soap are unattainable luxuries, warns UNICEF ​​on World Handwashing Day.

Če si temeljito umijemo roke z milom, se s tem zaščitimo pred številnimi nalezljivimi boleznimi, ne samo pred covidom-19. Preprosto, kajne? Žal ne. Mi, ki imamo čisto tekočo vodo na voljo na vsakem koraku, težko razumemo, da si milijoni ljudi po svetu nimajo možnosti umiti rok.

If we wash our hands thoroughly with soap, we protect ourselves from many infectious diseases, not just covid-19. Simple, right? Unfortunately, no. We, who have clean running water available at every turn, find it hard to understand that millions of people around the world do not have the opportunity to wash their hands.

»Pandemija koronavirusa je znova osvetlila ključno vlogo higiene rok pri preprečevanju širjenja bolezni. Obenem je izpostavila globalni izziv – umivanje rok z milom ostaja nedosegljivo milijonom otrok po svetu, tako v domačem okolju, v šoli, na begu,« je dejala Kelly Ann Naylor, namestnica vodje Unicefovih programov za vodo, higieno in sanitarije.

“The coronavirus pandemic has once again highlighted the key role of hand hygiene in preventing the spread of the disease. At the same time, it highlighted a global challenge - washing hands with soap remains out of reach for millions of children around the world, at home, at school, on the go, ”said Kelly Ann Naylor, Deputy Head of UNICEF's Water, Hygiene and Sanitation Programs.

»Nesprejemljivo je, da najbolj ranljive skupnosti ne morejo uporabiti najpreprostejših in hkrati najučinkovitejših ukrepov za zaščito sebe in svojih najdražjih pred boleznimi. Potrebno je takojšnje ukrepanje, da omogočimo umivanje rok z milom vsem in vsepovsod.«

“It is unacceptable that the most vulnerable communities cannot use the simplest and at the same time most effective measures to protect themselves and their loved ones from disease. Immediate action is needed to enable everyone to wash their hands with soap. "

Umivanje rok ni le prva obramba pred novim koronavirusom, temveč tudi pred pljučnico, kolero, drisko, grižo, tifusom, hepatitisom A ter številnimi drugimi nevarnimi boleznimi.

Hand washing is not only the first defence against the new coronavirus, but also against pneumonia, cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, typhus, hepatitis A and many other dangerous diseases.

Le trije od petih ljudi na svetu imajo možnost za umivanje rok. To pomeni, da kar tri milijarde Zemljanov doma nima pogojev za umivanje rok z vodo in milom.

Only three out of five people in the world have the option to wash their hands. This means that as many as three billion people on Earth do not have the conditions to wash their hands with soap and water at home.

Skoraj 75 % prebivalcev najmanj razvitih držav doma nima osnovnih pogojev za umivanje rok. Skoraj polovica šol na svetu nima ustreznih prostorov za umivanje rok z vodo in milom.

Almost 75% of the population of the least developed countries do not have the basic conditions for washing their hands at home. Nearlt half of the schools in the world do not have adequate facilities for washing hands with soap and water.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

08 Oct 2020, 20:11 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Z novimi ukrepi nad novi koronavirus

With new measures for the novel coronavirus

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Novi koronavirus se vse bolj širi. Vlada je zato pripravila nov nabor ukrepov, s katerimi želi preprečiti, da v bolnišnicah ne bi mogli pomagati vsem, ki potrebujejo zdravljenje.

The new coronavirus is spreading more and more. The government has therefore come up with a new set of measures to prevent hospitals from not being able to helping everyone in need of treatment.

Premier Janez Janša pravi, da bodo še naprej iskali načine, kako zajeziti širjenje virusa tako, da bo to čim manj prizadelo naše vsakdanje življenje.

Prime Minister Janez Janša says that they will continue to look for ways to curb the spread of the virus so that it will affect our daily lives as little as possible.

A takih ukrepov ni več veliko na voljo, saj že sedaj uporabljajo skoraj vse.

But such measures are no longer available, as they are already used by almost everyone.

A če se bo število okužb še povečevalo, bo vlada morala razglasiti epidemijo. To bi znova pomenilo strožje ukrepe.

But if the number of infections continues to rise, the government will have to declare an epidemic. This would again mean stricter measures.

Napovedal je, da bo vlada v prihodnjih dneh omejila strežbo v gostinskih lokalih, omejila število oseb v zaprtih javnih prostorih glede na velikost prostora (denimo v trgovinah, bankah in podobno) ter omejila zbiranje ljudi na največ deset. Predvidena je tudi prepoved obiskov v domovih za starejše in bolnišnicah, ponekod ta sicer že velja. Ukrepi naj bi začeli veljati v četrtek.

He announced that in the coming days the government will limit the service in restaurants, limit the number of people in enclosed public spaces according to the size of the space (for example in shops, banks and the like) and limit the gathering of people to a maximum of ten. A ban on visits to homes for the elderly and hospitals is also envisaged, but in some places it is already in force. The measures are expected to take effect on Thursday.

Če to ne bo dovolj, bi na voljo ostali le še ukrepi, kot so zapora posameznih občin, zaprtje gostinskih lokalov in športnih dvoran ter ustavitev nenujnih zdravstvenih storitev.

If this is not enough, only measures such as the closure of individual municipalities, the closure of restaurants and sports halls and the cessation of non-essential health services would remain available.

»Če bi število okuženih preseglo 140 na 100 tisoč prebivalcev v štirinajstih dneh ter bi bilo v bolnišnicah več kot 250 bolnikov, od teh več kot 50 na intenzivni negi, bi morali razglasiti epidemijo in sprejeti podobne ukrepe, ki smo jih sprejemali spomladi,« je posvaril.

"If the number of infected people exceeded 140 per 100,000 population in fourteen days and there were more than 250 patients in hospitals, of which more than 50 were in intensive care, we should declare an epidemic and take similar measures that we took in the spring," he said. warned.

Še vedno pa velja, da širjenje virusa lahko pomagamo zaustavljati, če se odgovorno obnašamo. Med najbolj učinkovitimi ukrepi, ki jih že vsi dobro poznamo, so še vedno vzdrževanje razdalje, redno umivanje rok ter kihanje in kašljanje v rokav.

However, it is still true that we can help stop the spread of the virus by behaving responsibly. Among the most effective measures we all already know well are still maintaining distance, washing your hands regularly, and sneezing and coughing into your sleeve.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

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