
28 Feb 2018, 11:31 AM

Statistics on migration. 

28 Feb 2018, 11:11 AM

The group was smuggling cocaine, methamphetamine, heroine, hashish and cannabis from Bosnia-Herzegovina to Italy. 

28 Feb 2018, 09:14 AM

Brexit and migration among the trials ahead. 

28 Feb 2018, 08:56 AM

The big stories on a very cold day. 

27 Feb 2018, 15:33 PM

On dress code, cooperation, competition, drinking and spitting. 

27 Feb 2018, 15:19 PM

Agriculture Minister also notes the importance of such farming for preserving a clean water supply. 

27 Feb 2018, 15:00 PM

Slovenian team seen as a stepping stone to the NBA. 

27 Feb 2018, 11:25 AM

While Slovenia is a country that produces and consumes a lot of vegetables, it also has strong dairy and meat farming traditions, which can make things difficult for vegetarians, never mind vegans. We spoke to Neja Maruša Medved, who’s trying to make life easier for those who want to follow a cruelty-free diet about her work with Slovenian Vegan. 

27 Feb 2018, 09:23 AM

Swimming, cycling and running on the beautiful Slovenian coast. 

27 Feb 2018, 08:54 AM

The big stories this morning. 

26 Feb 2018, 18:00 PM

Films will also play in Domžale, Celje and Mojstrana. 


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