Ljubljana related

03 Mar 2020, 17:23 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Novo vlado bo najverjetneje vodil Janez Janša

The new government is likely to be led by Janez Janša

Written by Katarina Bulatović translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Ali kdaj prelomiš obljubo staršem, učiteljem, prijatelju?

Do you ever break a promise to your parents, teachers, friend?

Nikar se ne zgleduj po politikih, pri katerih ni to nič nenavadnega.

Do not look up to politicians, as this is not uncommon among them.

Stranki SMC in DeSUS sta pred parlamentarnimi volitvami leta 2018 zagotavljali, da ju sodelovanje z največjo stranko SDS ne zanima.

Before the 2018 parliamentary elections, the SMC and DeSUS parties promised they were not interested in working with the largest party, the SDS.

A ko je predsednik vlade Marjan Šarec januarja letos odstopil s položaja, sta si premislili. S stranko NSi in stranko SDS sta se začeli pogovarjati, ali bi lahko sestavili novo vlado pod vodstvom predsednika SDS Janeza Janše.

But when Prime Minister Marjan Šarec stepped down in January, they changed their minds. They discussed with the NSi party and the SDS party whether they could form a new government under the leadership of SDS President Janez Janša.

Kaj si želijo doseči v naslednjih dveh letih, so nazadnje zapisali v dokument, ki mu rečemo koalicijska pogodba. Dogovorili so se tudi, kdo predvidoma bi vodil katero od ministrstev.

What they want to achieve in the next two years they finally wrote down in a document called the Coalition Treaty. They also agreed on who would lead which of the ministries.

Sprva je kazalo, da bi lahko ljudje še letos znova šli na volitve. Vsi člani strank SMC, Desus in NSi se namreč niso strinjali s sodelovanjem. Nazadnje so popustili in tako verjetno preprečili predčasne volitve.

Initially, it appeared that people would go to the polls again this year. Indeed, not all SMC, DeSUS, and NSi party members agreed to participate. Finally, they relented and thus probably prevented early elections.

Predsednik republike Borut Pahor se bo predvidoma danes uradno sestal z Janezom Janšo. Nato ga bo poslancem v državnem zboru najbrž predlagal kot kandidata za predsednika vlade.

The President of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor is expected to formally meet with Janez Janša today. Then he will probably propose him to the National Assembly as a candidate for the Prime Minister.

Ti bodo o njem glasovali prihodnji teden.

They will vote on it next week.

Če želi Janez Janša postati predsednik vlade, potrebuje vsaj 46 glasov.

If Janez Janša wants to become Prime Minister, he needs at least 46 votes.

To ne bi smelo biti ovira, saj ima SDS skupaj z ostalimi tremi strankami SMC, NSi, in DeSUS zagotovljenih predvidoma 48 glasov.

This should not be an obstacle, as the SDS together with the other three parties, the SMC, NSi, and DeSUS, has an estimated 48 votes.

Borut Pahor lahko državni zbor obvesti tudi, da ga ne bo predlagal. Potem ima dva dni časa, da poišče novega kandidata. Če ga ne najde, bi lahko šli na predčasne volitve.

Borut Pahor may also tell the National Assembly that he will not propose this. Then he has two days to find a new candidate. If he doesn't find one, he could go for an early election.

Svojo odločitev mora sporočiti najpozneje do petka.

He must report his decision by Friday at the latest.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

24 Feb 2020, 19:43 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Kako Preprečevati SARS-CoV-2 Okužbo

How to Prevent SARS-COV-2 Infection

Written by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport), translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Pri preprečevanju okužbe z virusom SARS-CoV-2 je tako kot pri drugih nalezljivih bolezni, ki povzročajo okužbe dihal, priporočljivo upoštevati vsakodnevne preventivne ukrepe:

Preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection is like with other infectious diseases that cause respiratory infections, and it is advisable to take daily preventive measures:

Izogibamo se tesnim stiskom z ljudmi, ki kažejo znake nalezljive bolezni;

We avoid close contact with people who show the signs of an infectious disease;

Ne dotikamo se oči, nosu in ust;

We do not touch the eyes, nose and mouth;

V primeru, da zbolimo, ostanemo doma;

In case we get sick, we stay at home;

Upoštevamo pravila higiene kašlja (kašljamo v robček, ki ga potem zavržemo, ali v komolec);

Follow the rules of cough hygiene (cough in a handkerchief, which is then discarded, or in the elbow);

Redno si umivamo roke z milom in vodo;

Wash our hands regularly with soap and water;

Če voda in milo nista dostopna, za razkuževanje rok uporabimo namensko razkužilo za roke. Vsebnost alkohola v razkužilu za roke naj bo najmanj 60%. Razkužilo za roke je namenjeno samo zunanji uporabi. Sredstva za čiščenje/razkuževanje površin niso namenjena čiščenju/razkuževanju kože.

If water and soap are not available, disinfect the hands using a dedicated hand sanitizer. The alcohol content of the hand sanitizer should be at least 60%. A hand sanitizer is for external use only. Surface cleaners / disinfectants are not intended for cleaning / disinfecting the skin.

Glede na trenutno epidemiološko situacijo splošna uporaba zaščitnih mask ni potrebna.

Given the current epidemiological situation, general use of protective masks is not necessary.

V času povečanega pojavljanja okužb dihal se izogibamo zaprtih prostorov, v katerih se zadržuje veliko število ljudi. Poskrbimo za redno zračenje zaprtih prostorov.

in times of increased respiratory infections we avoid enclosed spaces that hold large numbers of people. We regularly ventilate enclosed spaces.

Na spletni strani Nacionalnega inštituta za javno zdravje najdete tudi informacije o mitih in resnicah, povezanih z novim koronavirusom, pa tudi pogosta vprašanja in odgovore.

The National Institute of Public Health website also provides information on myths and truths related to the new coronavirus, as well as frequently asked questions and answers.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

18 Feb 2020, 19:44 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Luka Dončić na tekmi vseh košarkarskih zvezd dočakal svoj trenutek

Luka Dončić awaits his moment at the All-Star basketball game

Written by Sabina Lavrič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Mladi slovenski košarkarski biser Luka Dončić je dočakal zgodovinski dan v svoji karieri – zaigral je na tekmi zvezd lige NBA All Star.

The young Slovenian basketball pearl Luka Dončić celebrated a historic day in his career - he played in an NBA All-Star game.

Ljubitelji košarke so z zanimanjem pričakovali zvezdniško tekmo v Chicagu, kjer je minuli konec tedna vladala prava norišnica.

Basketball fans were eagerly awaiting a star-studded game in Chicago, where a real mania took hold last weekend.

Vse skupaj se je začelo že v petek s tekmo vzhajajočih zvezd, na kateri je zaigral tudi Luka. Navdušil je s trojko kar s sredine igrišča!

It all started on Friday with the Rising Stars match, with Luka playing as well. He impressed with a three-pointer right from the middle of the field!

Na dobrodelnem dogodku pred obračunom je spoznal tudi nekdanjega ameriškega predsednika Baracka Obamo, kar mu bo gotovo ostalo v lepem spominu.

He also met the former US President Barack Obama at a charity event before the showdown, which will surely remain in his memory.

Tekmi vzhajajočih zvezd je sledilo tekmovanje v metanju trojk, pa v zabijanju, v nedeljo pa je bila na vrsti tista prava tekma najboljših med najboljšimi.

The Rising Stars Game was followed by a Three-Point Contest and a Slam-Dunk Contest, and on Sunday it was the real match of the best of the best.

Luka je kot drugi Slovenec, po Goranu Dragiću, dobil priložnost zaigrati na tekmi All Star. Izbrali so ga navijači, košarkarji lige in novinarji.

Luka is the second Slovenian, after Goran Dragić, to be given the opportunity to play in the All-Star game. He was selected by fans, basketball players in the league and reporters.

Ni veliko manjkalo, da bi bil celo kapetan moštva. Ta vloga je nato pripadla LeBronu Jamesu, ki je ekipo popeljal do zmage. Rezultat je bil 157 : 155.

He came very close to being team captain. That role fell to LeBron James, who led the team to victory. The result was 157: 155.

Obramba na tekmi ni bila tako pomembna kot to, da so se gledalci in košarkarji zabavali ter zabili čim več košev.

The defence in the match was not as important as keeping the spectators and basketball players entertained and scoring as many baskets as possible.

Letos je bila tekma All Star posvečena nedavno preminulima Kobeju Bryantu in njegovi hčerki Gianni.

This year, the All-Star match was dedicated to the recently deceased Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna.

Vsi košarkarji LeBronove ekipe so na tekmi nosili dres s številko 2, ki jo je nosila Gianna, igralci moštva Giannisa Antetokounmpa pa so imeli na hrbtu 24, ki jo je nosil Kobe.

All of LeBron's team basketball players wore a number 2 jersey at the game, which was worn by Gianna, and Giannis Antetokounmpo's players had a 24 on their back, which was worn by Kobe.

Še ena dobra novica za slovenske navijače – Luka je potrdil, da bo igral za slovensko reprezentanco v kvalifikacijah za olimpijske igre!

Another good news for Slovenian fans - Luka has confirmed that he will play for the Slovenian national team in qualifying for the Olympic Games!

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

11 Feb 2020, 18:30 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Prvič v zgodovini je oskarja za najboljši film prejel film v tujem jeziku

For the first time in history, the Academy Award for Best Picture was received by a film in a foreign language

Written by Jelka Šutej Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Zadnja, 92. podelitev oskarjev je bila prelomna.

The last, the 92nd Academy Awards were groundbreaking.

Obe najbolj cenjeni nagradi, za najboljši film in najboljšo režijo, je namreč prejel film Parazit.

The two most prized awards, for Best Picture and Best Director, went to Parasite.

To je prvič, da so ju podelili filmu, v katerem igralci ne govorijo angleško.

This is the first time they have been awarded to a movie in which the actors do not speak English.

Dosedaj je bilo le deset filmov v tujem, ne angeškem jeziku nominiranih za najbolj pomembno nagrado – nagrado za najboljši film. A nobenemu še ni uspelo, da bi jo prejel.

So far, only ten films in a non-English language have been nominated for the most important award - the Best Picture Award. But none of them was successful and received it.

Parazit južnokorejskega režiserja Bong Joon Hoja pripoveduje o dveh družinah, ena je zelo revna, druga pa zelo bogata, in o tem, kaj se zgodi, ko se njihova življenja prepletejo.

South Korean director Bong Joon Ho's Parasite tells the story of two families, one very poor and the other very rich, and what happens when their lives intertwine.

Film je prejel še dve priznanji – za mednarodni (do lani tujejezični) film in za izvirni scenarij.

The film received two other awards - for international (until last year, foreign-language) film and for the Original Screenplay.

Za glavno moško in žensko vlogo sta oskarja prejela Joaquin Phoenix (za vlogo v filmu Joker) ter Renee Zellweger (za vlogo v filmu Judy).

The Oscars went to Joaquin Phoenix (for his role in the movie Joker) and Renee Zellweger (for her role in the movie Judy).

Brad Pitt je dobil svojega prvega oskarja za igro, in sicer v stranski igralski kategoriji (Bilo je nekoč … v Hollywoodu). Za stransko vlogo ga je prejela še Laura Dern (v filmu Zakonska zgodba).

Brad Pitt won his first Oscar in the Supporting Actor actor category (Once Upon a Timein Hollywood). The supporting actor [Oscar] was also received by Laura Dern (for the movie Marriage Story).

Oskarja za najboljši prirejeni scenarij so podelili ustvarjalcem filma Zajec Jojo, satiri o fantiču in njegovem namišljenem prijatelju Hitlerju.

The Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay was awarded to the makers of Jojo Rabbit, a satire about a boy and his imaginary friend, Hitler.

Kot najboljši kratki film pa je slavil film The Neighbors’ Window. Med drugimi so oskarja za kostumografijo namenili filmu Čas deklištva, za scenografijo pa Tarantinovemu Bilo je nekoč … v Hollywoodu.

The best short film was The Neighbors' Window. Among others, the Oscars for costume design were given to the film Little Women, and for the set for Tarantino's Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood.

Morda so bili najbolj razočarani ustvarjalci filma Irec (režiser Martin Scorsese), ki je imel deset nominacij, toda nobenega ni osvojil

Perhaps the most disappointed were the makers of the movie The Irishman (directed by Martin Scorsese), which had ten nominations, but won none.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

04 Feb 2020, 10:35 AM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Z Big Benom slovo od Evropske unije

With Big Ben, farewell to the European Union

Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga , translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Januarja ob enajstih zvečer po britanskem času (oziroma opolnoči po srednjeevropskem času) je Združeno kraljestvo Velike Britanije in Severne Irske po 47 letih članstva izstopilo iz Evropske unije.

On January 31, at eleven o'clock in the evening British time (or midnight Continental Europe time), the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland left the European Union after 47 years of membership.

Na pročelje hiše na Downing Streetu 10, kjer je sedež britanskega premiera, so najprej projicirali posnetek slovitega Big Bena, kako odšteva minute do brexita, nato pa besedilo himne God Save the Queen (Bog obvaruj kraljico).

On the front of the building at #10 Downing Street, where the UK Prime Minister lives, they first projected a clip of the famous Big Ben counting down the minutes to Brexit, and then the lyrics of the national anthem, God Save the Queen.

Ta zgodovinski  trenutek so eni Britanci proslavljali, drugi obžalovali.

This historic moment was celebrated by some Britons, by others regretted.

»Za mnoge je to osupljivi trenutek upanja, trenutek, za katerega so si mislili, da ga ne bodo dočakali. In seveda mnogi so zaskrbljeni in čutijo izgubo,« je te mešane občutke strnil premier Boris Johnson.

“For many people this is an astonishing moment of hope, a moment they thought would never come. And there are many of course who feel a sense anxiety and loss, ” as these mixed feeling were summed up by Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Na referendumu pred tremi leti in pol so se namreč državljani le s tesno večino odločili za brexit oziroma za izstop svoje države iz Evropske unije. In ta trenutek je nazadnje le napočil.

In the referendum of three and a half years ago, only a narrow majority voted for Brexit, or for their country to withdraw from the European Union. And that moment has only just begun.

In kaj se je spremenilo s prvim februarjem?

And what has changed since the first of February?

Za zdaj nič. Slovenci na primer še vedno lahko potujemo v Veliko Britanijo samo z osebno izkaznico, pa tudi uporaba mobilnika nas bo tam stala enako kot doma. 

Nothing for now. For example, Slovenians can still travel to the UK with only their ID card, and using a mobile phone will cost us the same as at home.

Tudi Britanci še nekaj časa ne bodo čutili posledic dejstva, da v Bruslju, na sedežu Evropske unije, v evropskem parlamentu in drugih ustanovah Evropske unije ne bodo imeli več svojih predstavnikov.

Even the British will for some time not feel the consequences of the fact that in Brussels, the seat of the European Union, the European Parliament and other institutions of the European Union, they will no longer have their representatives.

Toda do konca leta 2020 se bosta morala London in Bruselj dogovoriti, v kakšnih odnosih bo Velika Britanija s članicami Evropske unije, ki jih je zdaj samo še 27. 

But by the end of 2020, London and Brussels will have to agree on what kind of relations the UK will have with the European Union, which now has only 27 [members].

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

27 Jan 2020, 17:23 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Kitajci vstopajo v leto podgane

The Chinese are entering the Year of the Rat

Written by Katarina Bulatović, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Več kot milijarda ljudi bo vstopila v novo leto.

More than a billion people will enter the new year.

Tega bodo poleg tistih, ki sledijo gregorijanskemu koledarju in novo leto praznujejo prvega januarja, pa tudi vseh tistih, ki uporabljajo julijanski koledar in so v novo leto vstopili trinajst dni kasneje, torej 14. januarja, sedaj praznovali še Kitajci.

In addition to those who follow the Gregorian calendar and celebrate the New Year on January 1, as well as all those who use the Julian calendar and who entered the New Year thirteen days later, i.e. January 14, the Chinese will now celebrate.

Kitajci sledijo luninemu koledarju, zato se začetek leta spreminja. Letošnje se začne 25. januarja in bo trajalo do 11. februarja 2021.

The Chinese follow the lunar calendar, so the beginning of the year changes. This year begins on January 25 and will last until February 11, 2021.

Njihov koledar uporabljajo tudi nekatere druge azijske države, denimo Koreja, Vietnam, Laos.

Their calendar is also used by some other Asian countries, such as Korea, Vietnam, Laos.

Kitajci verjamejo, da vsakemu letu vlada ena od dvanajstih živali iz horoskopa. Novo leto bo v znamenju podgane, ki je prvo znamenje horoskopa, zato bo to leto novih začetkov.

The Chinese believe that each year one of the twelve horoscope animals rules. The New Year will be marked by a rat, the first sign of the horoscope, so this will be a year of new beginnings.

Kitajci med praznovanjem uživajo v ognjemetih, obesijo rdeče lampijone in pripravijo tradicionalno hrano. Otrokom podarijo rdeče ovojnice z denarjem. Praznovanja zaznamuje rdeča barva, ki simbolizira srečo in radost.

During the celebration, the Chinese enjoy fireworks, hang red lanterns and prepare traditional food. They give children red envelopes of money. The celebration is marked by red, which symbolizes happiness and joy.

Na ta kitajski najpomembnejši družinski praznik obiščejo tudi sorodnike. Kitajska je po površini tretja NAJvečja država na svetu, zato je potovanje v tem času še posebej težavno.

This is the most important family holiday in China, and when go and visit relatives. China is the third largest country in the world in terms of surface area, so travelling is especially difficult during this time.

Letos bodo morali biti potniki še posebno pazljivi. Decembra se je po državi začel širiti skrivnostni virus. Po podatkih svetovne zdravstvene organizacije je do sedaj zaradi koronavirusa umrlo več ljudi, še veliko več pa je okuženih.

This year, travellers will have to be extra careful. In December, a mysterious virus began spreading across the country. According to the World Health Organization, some people have been killed and many more infected by coronavirus so far.

Virus naj bi se začel širiti z ene od tržnic v Vuhanu, na kateri so prodajali ribe in divjačino.

The virus is thought to have spread from one of the markets in Wuhan selling fish and game.

Podoben je nevarnemu virusu sars, ki se prav tako širi prek dihalnih poti.

It is similar to the dangerous SARS virus, which also spreads through the respiratory tract.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

21 Jan 2020, 10:30 AM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Zakaj so medvedi po prespani zimi še vedno fit?

Why are bears still fit after a sleepy winter?

Written by Urša Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Predstavljajte si, da bi celo zimo prespali.

Imagine sleeping all winter long.

Mišice bi izgubile svojo moč, na koži bi se pojavile odrgnine in verjetno bi bili sestradani. No, grizliji s tem nimajo težav.

[Your] muscles would lose their strength, there would be bruises on the skin and you’d probably be starving. Well, grizzlies have no problem with all that.

Grizli je podvrsta rjavega medveda, ki živi v Severni Ameriki. V nedavno objavljeni raziskavi so znanstveniki razkrili, kaj grizlijem pomaga, da ohranijo mišice tudi po prespani zimi.

Grizzlies are a subspecies of brown bear living in North America. In a recent study, scientists revealed what helps grizzlies retain their muscles after a sleepy winter.

V času zimskega spanja oziroma hibernacije medvedi izgubijo skoraj tretjino telesne mase.

During the winter sleep, or hibernation, bears lose almost a third of their body weight.

Zaradi upočasnjenega dihanja in srčnega utripa se upočasnita tudi prebava in nastajanje urina. Med zimskim spanjem medvedi kar nekaj mesecev ne izločajo urina in blata, zato pa se v njihovem telesu kopiči dušik.

Due to slow breathing and heart rate, digestion and urine production are also slowed down. During the winter sleep, bears do not excrete urine and faeces for several months, which is why nitrogen builds up in their bodies.

Dušik je ključna sestavina aminokislin, iz katerih so zgrajeni proteini, iz njih pa so sestavljene mišice.

Nitrogen is a key component of the amino acids that proteins are made of, which muscle is made of.

Znanstveniki so ugotovili, da medvedi med zimskim spanjem dušika ne izločijo iz telesa z urinom, pač pa se ta vgradi nazaj v mišice in tako prepreči njihovo razgradnjo.

Scientists have found that bears do not excrete nitrogen from the body during the winter sleep with urine, but that it goes back into the muscles to prevent their breakdown.

Izguba mišične mase je problematična pri ljudeh, ki zaradi bolezni dolgo časa ležijo.

Muscle loss is problematic for people who are lying down for a long time due to illness.

Tudi pri astronavtih, ki mišic v breztežnostnem prostoru v vesolju ne morejo uporabljati, se te postopoma začnejo razgrajevati.

Also in astronauts who are unable to use their muscles in the weightlessness of space they gradually begin to break down.

S poznavanjem mehanizma ohranjanja mišične mase bi lahko olajšali tako življenje v vesolju kot tudi na Zemlji.

Knowing the mechanism of preserving muscle mass could make life easier in space as well as on Earth.

Slovar / Dictionary

Proteini (oziroma beljakovine) so sestavljeni iz aminokislin in imajo v telesu zelo različne vloge, med drugim so pomembni tudi pri izgradnji mišic.

Proteins (or proteins) are made up of amino acids and play very different roles in the body, including being important in muscle building.

Aminokisline so molekule iz dušika, vodika, kisika in ogljika, ki predstavljajo osnovno gradbeno enoto proteinov.

Amino acids are molecules of nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen and carbon, which are the basic building blocks of proteins.

Dušik je kemijski element, ki se nahaja v ozračju in je pomemben gradnik v vseh živih bitjih. Iz telesa ga izločamo s sečnino oziroma urinom.

Nitrogen is a chemical element that is found in the atmosphere and is an important building block in all living things. It is excreted in the body with urea or urine.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

14 Jan 2020, 15:16 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

NAJ Slovenska Beseda Leta 2019 Je Podnebje

The Slovenian Word of the Year is “Climate”

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Katera beseda je v minulem letu najbolj opisala spremembe v našem življenju?

Which word has made the most changes in our lives over the past year?

Jezik je namreč živ in se nenehno spreminja, tako kot svet okoli nas.

Language is alive and constantly changing, just like the world around us.

Slovaropisci zato vsako leto tuhtajo, katero besedo bi imenovali za besedo leta.

Every year, dictionary writers think of which word to name word of the year.

Leta 2015 so za besedo leta celo izbrali nebesedo – ? smejkota, ki toči solze smeha.

In 2015, they even chose as word of the year something that was not a word – ? a laughing face that cries tears of laughter.

Besedo leta v angleščini izbirajo ustvarjalci treh velikih slovarjev. Pri Collinsu so izbrali besedno zvezo podnebni protest, pri Oxfordu pa podnebna kriza.

The word of the year in English is chosen by the creators of three large dictionaries. At Collins, they chose the phrase “climate protest” and at Oxford “climate crisis”.

V Merriam-Websterju so izbrali v angleščini spolno nevtralni zaimek they, ki nadomešča zaimka on in ona. Ameriški jezikoslovci so ga izbrali tudi za besedo desetletja.

At Merriam-Webster, they chose the gender-neutral pronoun “they” in English, which replaces the pronouns “he” and “she”. It has also been chosen by American linguists as the word of the decade.

Od leta 2016 izbiramo tudi slovensko besedo leta. Finalistke izbora ZRC SAZU za besedo leta 2019 so postale besede:

Since 2016, we have also selected the Slovenian Word of the Year. The finalists of the 2019 ZRC SAZU selection for the word were:

brezogljični – carbon-free

milenijec – millennial

nebralec – non-reader

novinec – newcomer

podnebje – climate

prisilka – coercion

skiro – scooter

šarcizem – sarcasim

trgovinska vojna – trade war

volk – wolf

Beseda, ki je najbolj zajela duha leta 2019, je podnebje. Zanjo je glasovalo 563 sodelujočih.

The word that most captured the spirit of 2019 is climate. A total of 563 people voted for it.

Beseda podnebje je tudi Delova beseda leta..

The word “climate” is also Delo's Word of the Year.

Najbolj izvirna nova beseda je likotisk – tisk lika oziroma oblike, kar naj bi postal slovenski izraz za 3D tiskanje.

The most original new word is likotisk - the printing of a character or shape, which is to become the Slovenian term for 3D printing.

Najbolj iskana beseda v slovarju Fran je tehnikalije.

The most searched word in the Fran dictionary is technical.

Letos smo pod okriljem Zveze gluhih in naglušnih Slovenije izbirali tudi kretnjo leta. To je ustava.

This year, with the support auspices of the Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing of Slovenia, we also chose the gesture of the year. It's “constitution”.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

07 Jan 2020, 16:39 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Avstralija gori

Australia is burning

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Požari, ki od septembra divjajo po Avstraliji, postajajo vse hujši.

The fires that have been spreading across Australia since September are growing.

V njih je do sedaj umrlo več kot dvajset ljudi in okoli pol milijarde živali.

Today, more than twenty people have died and around half a billion animals.

Med njimi so tudi koale in kenguruji, ki živijo samo na tej celini.

 Among these are also kangaroos, which only live on this continent.

Mnogi po svetu spremljajo dogajanje v Avstraliji. Sprašujejo se, ali bo ta zaradi uničujočih požarov postala bolj glasna v boju proti podnebnim spremembam.

Many around the world are following events in Australia. They think maybe the devastating fires will it become more active in fighting climate change.

Za zdaj ne kaže tako, saj predsednik vlade Scott Morrison in nekateri lokalni mediji ne želijo prikazati vseh posledic divjanja ognja.

So far, it doesn’t seem so, as the Prime Minister Scott Morrison and some of the local media don’t want to show all the consequences of the raging fire.

»Vlada je šele zdaj uradno zaprosila za mednarodno pomoč. Ogromno se govori o načrtnem požiganju gozdov, da bi ti lahko postali zazidljive površine. Umirajo živali, ki so že tako ogrožene. Avstralci so požarov vajeni, ampak tako obsežnih še niso doživeli. Zanje je povsem običajno, da imajo en avto parkiran pred hišo in drugega na plaži, kjer bi lahko, če bi bilo treba, preživeli nekaj dni,« pripoveduje Slovenka Anja Kovačič, ki že eno leto živi na tej celini.

“The government has now formally invited international assistance. There is a lot of talk about the planned burning of forests so that it can become areas for building. Animals already at risk are dying. Australians are used to fires, but have not yet experienced so vast ones. It is completely common for them to have one car parked in front of their house and another one on the beach, where they could spend a few days if necessary, ”said Slovenian Anja Kovačič, who has been living on this continent for a year.

Temperature se bodo naslednja dva meseca samo še dvigale, kar verjetno pomeni še večjo katastrofo.

The temperature will only continue to rise over the next two months, which means more disasters.

»Trenutno so v Avstraliji poletne počitnice. Mnogi zato niso bili v službi, ampak doma in so lahko reševali svoje domove ali bežali pred zublji. Sicer bi bilo najverjetneje ogroženih še več življenj.«

“Currently it’s the summer holidays in Australia. Many people were therefore not at work, but at home and and so were able to save their property or run away from the flames. Otherwise even more lives would be endangered.”

V Avstraliji, ki je najbolj suha poseljena celina na svetu, so požari običajni.

In Australia, which is the driest continent in the world, fires are common.

»Toda okoljevarstveniki so napovedovali, da bodo vse pogostejši in da bodo njihove posledice hujše kot v preteklosti,« dodaja pisateljica Carolyne Lee iz Melbourna.

"But environmentalists have predicted that they will increasingly have worse consequences than in the past," added Melbourne-based writer Carolyne Lee.

»Večina ljudi upa, da bo ta katastrofa vlado prisilila v ukrepanje proti podnebnim spremembam. Dosedaj je namrež zgorelo območje, dvakrat večje od Slovenije.«

“Most people are hoping that this disaster will force the government to take action on climate change. To date, an area twice the size of Slovenia has been burned.”

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

14 Dec 2019, 16:23 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Written by Romana Dobnikar Seruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Brexit, misija nemogoče?

Brexit, mission impossible?

Z brexitom bomo hitro opravili, je pred volitvami obljubljal Boris Johnson, premier in vodja britanskih torijcev.

Brexit will be done quickly, Boris Johnson promised before the election, the Prime Minister and leader of the British Tories.

Vodja laburistov in opozicije v parlamentu Jeremy Corbyn pa je napovedoval, da bo njegova vlada dosegla nov sporazum o brexitu, ki ga bodo nato državljani potrdili ali zavrnili na referendumu. 

Labour and opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn, however, has announced that his government will reach a new Brexit agreement, which citizens will then either confirm or reject in a referendum.

V Veliki Britaniji danes volijo nove poslance in novo vlado. Zmagovalca čaka težka naloga, saj je vprašanje brexita oziroma izstopa Velike Britanije iz Evropske unije (EU) med državljane vneslo velik razdor. Eni so prepričani, da bi bilo življenje boljše brez EU, drugi menijo ravno nasprotno.

In Britain today, new MPs and a new government are being elected. The winner will have a difficult task as the issue of Brexit, or the UK's exit from the European Union (EU), has caused great disagreement among citizens. Some believe that life would be better without the EU, others think the opposite.

Negotov je položaj državljanov EU, ki živijo v Veliki Britaniji, in položaj Britancev, ki živijo v drugih državah EU. Nerešeno pa je tudi vprašanje meje z Irsko – ta bo po brexitu edina kopenska meja med Veliko Britanijo in EU.

The situation of EU citizens living in the UK and the situation of Britons living in other EU countries is uncertain. The issue of the border with Ireland is also unresolved - it will be the only land border between the UK and the EU after Brexit.

Uresničitev brexita se je v zadnjih treh letih izkazala za misijo nemogoče. Politiki so razdeljeni: eni se zavzemajo za čim hitrejši izstop iz EU, drugi bi radi nov referendum, tretji pa bi nanj najraje pozabili.

The realisation of Brexit has proven impossible for the past three years. Politicians are divided: one group is in favour of leaving the EU as soon as possible, the other would like a new referendum and the third would rather forget it.

V parlamentu niso hoteli potrditi še nobenega predloga sporazuma »o ločitvi«, zato je bil rok za brexit že trikrat prestavljen. 

They did not want to approve any proposal for a "divorce agreement" in Parliament, so the Brexit deadline had already been postponed three times.

Zaradi tega je konservativna premierka Theresa May julija letos odstopila. Nasledil jo je Boris Johnson, ki prav tako ni dobil zadostne podpore v parlamentu.

As a result, Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May resigned in July this year. She was succeeded by Boris Johnson, who also did not receive sufficient support in Parliament.

Predlagal je nove volitve, saj je računal na to, da bo v novem parlamentu več konservativnih poslancev.

He called a new election, as he hoped there would be more Conservative MPs in the new Parliament.

Kako bodo odločili volivci, se bo pokazalo danes.

How voters will decide will be revealed today.

Zadnja novica

Latest news

Na volitvah v Veliki Britaniji so prepričljivo zmagali konservativci Borisa Johnsona.

In the UK election, the Conservative Boris Johnson won.

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