Ljubljana related

15 Mar 2021, 13:02 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Sesalec, ki leže jajca, »švica« mleko in nima zob?

A mammal that lays eggs, "sweats" milk and has no teeth?

Written by Dora Adamič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Ta žival je kljunaš in živi samo v Avstraliji.

This animal is a platypus and lives only in Australia.

Je delno vodna mesojeda žival s strupenimi kremplji. Ima kljun, ki spominja na račjega, kratke noge s plavalno kožico med prsti in sploščen rep, ki je podoben bobrovemu.

It is a partially aquatic carnivore with venomous claws. It has a bill resembling a duck, short legs with a swimming skin between the toes and a flattened tail resembling a beaver.

Videti je torej kot mešanica različnih vrst in velja za eno najbolj zanimivih živali.

It thus appears to be a series of different species, and is considered the most interesting of animals.

Uvrščamo ga med sesalce, vendar ima veliko lastnosti, ki ga od sesalcev ločijo.

It is classified as a mammal, but has many properties that distinguish it from mammals.

Mladiči se izvalijo iz jajca in tako nekaj mesecev popolnoma odvisni od matere.

The pups hatch from the egg and thus become completely dependent on the mother for a few months.

Kljunaši denimo ležejo jajca, čeprav za sesalce velja, da potomce skotijo. Njihovi mladiči se za razliko od ptičjih na začetku prehranjujejo z materinim mlekom.

Platypuses, for example, lay eggs, although mammals are meant to give birth to offspring. Their pups are different from birds as they start feeding on their mother’s milk.

Mleko izločajo kar skozi kožo po vsem telesu. Običajno ga sesalci izločajo skozi bradavice.

They secrete milk through the skin all over the body. Usually mammals only secrete it through the nipples.

Prehranjujejo se z majhnimi vodnimi živalmi, vendar v nasprotju z večino sesalcev nimajo zob. V kljunu imajo samo dve plošči, s katerima meljejo hrano.

They feed on small aquatic animals, but unlike most mammals, they have no teeth. They have only two plates in their beak with which to grind food.

Ker je kljunaš tako nenavadna žival, bo znanstvena skupina iz Københavna raziskala njegov celotni genski zapis, da bi ugotovila izvor njegovih lastnosti.

Because the platypus is such an unusual animal, a Copenhagen scientific team will research its entire genetic record to determine the origin of its traits.

»Z vidika genetike je kljunaš dejansko mešanica sesalcev, ptičev in plazilcev, čeprav ga uvrščamo med sesalce,« pravi profesor Guojie Zhang in dodaja: »Genski zapis nam bo pomagal razumeti, zakaj drugi sesalci skotijo svoje potomce, kljunaši pa jih izvalijo iz jajc.«

"From a genetic point of view, the PLATYPUS is actually a mixture of mammals, birds and reptiles, although we classify it as a mammal," says Professor Guojie Zhang.

Zaradi podobnosti z različnimi živalskimi vrstami so kljunaši zelo zanimivi za proučevanje evolucije.

Because of their similarities to different species, platypus are very interesting with regard to studying evolution.

Z njimi si lahko pomagamo pri razumevanju sorodnosti različnih živali ter pri spoznavanju našega skupnega prednika.

They can help us understand the kinship of different animals and get to know our common ancestor.

V preteklosti so jih lovili zaradi njihovega krzna in skoraj iztrebili. Danes so zaradi nizke številčnosti uvrščeni med zaščitene vrste, izumrtje pa jim trenutno ne grozi.

In the past, they were hunted for their fur and nearly exterminated. Today, due to their low numbers, they are classified as a protected species, and are not currently threatened with extinction.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

08 Mar 2021, 16:11 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Bolje par dobrih kosov kot polna omara cenenih cunj

Better a pair of good pieces than a closet full of cheap rags

Written by Sandra Hanžič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Poznaš rek manj je več?

You know the saying less is more?

Tega bi lahko uporabili tudi pri napolnjenosti naših omar.

This could also be used when filling our closets.

V raziskavi o ravnanju z odpadnimi oblačili so raziskovalci namreč ugotovili, da smo v Sloveniji leta 2019 zavrgli kar 12,3 kilograma oblačil na osebo. Evropsko povprečje znaša »le« 11 kilogramov.

In research on the management of waste clothing, the researchers found that in Slovenia in 2019 we discarded as much as 12.3 kilograms of clothing per person. The European average is "only" 11 kilograms.

Poceni oblačil ne bomo imeli dolgo v omari, saj se hitro uničijo, popravilo pa se pogosto ne splača. Njihovo pogosto menjavanje potegne za sabo še veliko porabo vode, energije in kemikalij, ki jih uporabljamo pri njihovi proizvodnji. Obenem oblačila prej ali slej postanejo odpadek in na odlagališčih povzročajo dodatne težave.

We won’t have cheap clothes in the closet for long, as they are quickly damaged and repair is often not worth it. Their frequent change entails the high consumption of the water, energy and chemicals that we use in their production. At the same time, clothes sooner or later become waste and cause additional problems in landfills.

Bolje je imeti par dobrih kosov kot polno omaro cenenih cunj – pa čeprav izgledajo kul, pravi Katja Sreš iz društva Ekologi brez meja.

It's better to have a couple of good pieces than a closet full of cheap rags – even though they look cool, says Katja Sreš from the Ecologists Without Borders association.

Zakaj? Zato, ker običajno pri izdelavi takšnih oblačil na drugem koncu sveta ne pazijo ne na zdravje delavcev ne na naše zdravje, saj vsebujejo polno kemikalij.

Why? Because usually when making such clothes on the other side of the world they don’t pay attention to either the health of the workers or our health, as they contain a lot of chemicals.

Če se že moramo odreči oblačilom, ki so še uporabna, svetuje izmenjavo med prijatelji ali prodajo prek spleta. Lahko jih tudi podarimo humanitarnim organizacijam ali odložimo v zabojnike za tekstil.

If we have to give up clothes that are still useful, she advises exchanging then among friends or selling them online. They can also be donated to humanitarian organizations or placed in textile containers.

Oblačila, ki so že čisto uničena, pa odpeljemo v najbližji zbirni center za odpadke.

Clothes that are already been completely damaged can be taken to the nearest waste collection centre.

Raziskavo so izvedle organizacije Ekologi brez meja, Focus in Pravična trgovina, ki že leta opozarjajo na probleme hitre mode.

The survey was conducted by Ecologists Without Borders, Focus and Fair Trade, which has been drawing attention to the problems of fast fashion for years.

To so hiperprodukcija, nizke cene in slaba kakovost oblačil. Vse našteto pa vpliva na planet.

These are overproduction, low prices and poor quality clothing. All of the above affect the planet.

Zato 23. aprila pripravljajo Dan v rabljenih oblačilih in pozivajo vse, da si takrat nadenete rabljena oblačila.

Therefore, on April 23, they are preparing a Day in Used Clothes and urge everyone to wear used clothes at that time.

Če bomo dlje nosili svoja oblačila, bomo lahko zmanjšali količino odpadkov!

If we wear our clothes longer, we will be able to reduce the amount of waste!

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

01 Mar 2021, 16:50 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Na svetovnem prvenstvu padajo snežinkaste medalje

Snowflake medals are falling at the World Championships

Written by Sabina Lavrič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Oberstdorf je srečen kraj za slovenske skoke in smučarski tek.

Oberstdorf is a happy place for Slovenian ski jumping and cross-country skiing.

Na svetovnem prvenstvu v nordijskem smučanju smo upali na dobre rezultate, ampak da bomo veseli toliko medalj v obliki snežink že na samem začetku prvenstva, pa nismo pričakovali!

We hoped for good results at the World Nordic Skiing Championships, but did not expect so many medals in the shape of snowflakes at the very beginning of the Championships!

Že prvi dan je za veselje poskrbela smučarska tekačica Anamarija Lampič, ki je pritekla bronasto medaljo v šprintu. To je disciplina, na kateri se morajo tekmovalci zelo hitro preteči kratkotrajno izteči.

Already on the first day the cross-country skier Anamarija Lampič took care of the joy, winning a bronze medal in the sprint. This is a discipline in which competitors have to ski very quickly for a short run.

Z Evo Urevc sta nato še skupaj prišprintali do brona na tekmi dvojic. Na zadnji predaji štafete Anamarija ni popolnoma verjela vase, a vendarle ujela najhitrejše, na ciljni ravnini prehitela Rusinjo in name Evi v objem pritekla na tretjem mestu.

With Eva Urevc she then sprinted to bronze in the doubles race. At the last handover of the relay, Anamarija did not fully believe in herself, but still caught the leader, overtook the Russian on the finish line and together with Eva tookn third place.

Navdušili so tudi smučarske skakalke in skakalci. Ema Klinec je postala svetovna prvakinja, skupaj z Niko Križnar, Špelo Rogelj in Uršo Bogataj je v ekipni tekmi osvojila še srebro.

The ski jumpers also impressed. Ema Klinec became the world champion, and together with Nika Križnar, Špela Rogelj and Urša Bogataj she also won silver in the team competition.

Anže Lanišek je na svetovnem prvenstvu osvojil bronasto medaljo.

Anže Lanišek won a bronze medal at the world championships.

Šele pogled v zgodovino pokaže, kako redke so medalje na svetovnih prvenstvih. 60 let po začetkih skokov v Planici je prvo osvojil Franci Petek, 14 let kasneje Benkovič, nato dve Peter Prevc in zdaj Lanišek.

A look at history alone shows how rare medals are at the world championships [for Slovenia]. Franci Petek won the first 60 years after the start of the jumps in Planica, 14 years later Benkovič, then two by Peter Prevc and now Lanišek.

Za slovenske ženske smučarske skoke je Emino zlato sploh prva medalja na velikih tekmovanjih.

For Slovenian women's ski jumping, Ema's gold is the first medal in a major competition.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

22 Feb 2021, 14:37 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Znanstveniki iščejo izvor virusa

Scientists are looking for the source of the virus

Written Urša Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

O virusu, ki povzroča bolezen covid-19, vemo že zelo veliko. Njegov izvor pa ostaja neznanka. Kaj se je zgodilo, da je nastal virus, ki je ustavil svet?

We already know a great deal about the virus that causes the disease covid-19. Its source, however, remains unknown. What happened to create the virus that stopped the world?

Znanstveniki kot detektivi iščejo sledi, ki bi razkrile podrobnosti njegovega nastanka. V začetku februarja so pod okriljem Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije končno odpotovali na Kitajsko.

Scientists, likes detectives, are looking for clues that would reveal the details of its origin. In early February, they finally travelled to China under the auspices of the World Health Organization.

Prve zaznane okužbe z virusom pri ljudeh so povezovali z obiski tržnice v Wuhanu. Neodvisni raziskovalci so zato želeli odkriti, kako je virus zašel tja. Predstavili so dva najbolj verjetna scenarija.

The first detected virus infections in humans were associated with market visits in Wuhan. Independent researchers therefore wanted to find out how the virus got there. They presented the two most likely scenarios.

Prva možnost je, da je virus nastal nekje drugje in da je v Wuhan prišel z zamrznjeno hrano. Virus se tako sicer ohrani, a znanstveniki še ne vedo, če ostane nalezljiv.

The first possibility is that the virus originated elsewhere and came to Wuhan with frozen food. The virus was thus preserved, but scientists do not yet know if it would remain contagious.

Druga verjetnejša možnost je, da je iz netopirjev prešel na ljudi prek vmesnega gostitelja. Na tržnici v Wuhanu so prodajali različne živali, ki bi lahko bile vmesni gostitelji.

Another more likely possibility is that it passed from bats to humans through an intermediate host. The markets in Wuhan sold a variety of animals that could be intermediate hosts.

»Poznavanje prehodov med gostitelji in tega, kakšne spremembe prinašajo virusu in kako učinkujejo na gostitelja, je zelo pomembno. Tako lažje predvidimo, kje bi do njih še lahko prišlo, in ustrezno ukrepamo,« pojasnjuje virologinja Katarina Prosenc Trilar z Nacionalnega laboratorija za zdravje, okolje in hrano.

Knowing the transitions between hosts and what changes they bring to the virus and how they affect the host is very important. This makes it easier to predict where they might occur and take appropriate action, "explains virologist Katarina Prosenc Trilar from the National Laboratory for Health, Environment and Food.

Znanstveniki pa so ovrgli možnost, da bi virus ušel iz laboratorija. Preverili so varnostne sisteme laboratorija v Wuhanu in ugotovili, da bi to bilo zelo malo verjetno.

But scientists have ruled out the possibility of the virus escaping from a lab. They checked the security systems of the laboratory in Wuhan and found that this would be very unlikely.

Štirinajstdnevni obisk skupine znanstvenikov na Kitajskem je šele začetek ugotavljanja, kaj se je zgodilo.

A fourteen-day visit by a group of scientists to China is just the beginning of figuring out what happened.

Pomemben je bil za vzpostavitev dobrih odnosov, saj se bo raziskovanje še nadaljevalo. Iskanje izvora virusa lahko traja desetletja.

It was important to establish good relations as the research will continue. Finding the source of a virus can take decades.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

15 Feb 2021, 14:44 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Prihaja leto bivola

The year of the Ox is coming

Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Vhod v veleposlaništvo Ljudske republike Kitajske ob Ljubljanici že nekaj dni krasita dve čudoviti rdeči lanterni. Znak, da se bliža veliko praznovanje. V petek se začne kitajsko novo leto!

The entrance to the Embassy of the People's Republic of China along the Ljubljanica has been adorned with two beautiful red lanterns for several days now. A sign that a big celebration is approaching. Chinese New Year begins on Friday!

Za 1,4 milijarde prebivalcev Kitajske in za Kitajce, ki živijo po svetu, je to najpomembnejši praznik v letu. Tudi za približno tisoč Kitajcev, ki živijo v Sloveniji.

For the 1.4 billion people of China and for the Chinese living around the world, this is the most important holiday of the year. Also for about a thousand Chinese people living in Slovenia.

Na Kitajskem običajno uporabljajo isti koledar kot mi, a novo leto določajo po luninem koledarju. Zato je lahko kateri koli dan med 21. januarjem in 20. februarjem.

In China, they usually use the same calendar as us, but the New Year is determined by the lunar calendar. Therefore, it can be any day between January 21st and February 20th.

Vsako leto ima svoje živalsko znamenje. Jutri se konča leto podgane, v petek pa začne leto bivola!

Every year has its own animal sign. Tomorrow is the year of the rat, and Friday is the year of the ox!

Praznovanje novega leta je hkrati tudi praznik pomladi. Traja dva tedna in se zaključi s praznikom lantern.

Celebrating the New Year is also a spring holiday. It lasts for two weeks and ends with the Lantern Festival.

Kitajci si vzamejo veliko časa za praznovanje v družinskem krogu. Zaposleni dobijo vsaj sedem dni dopusta, učenci pa kar mesec dni počitnic. Revnejši Kitajci, ki delajo daleč od doma, obiščejo svoje otroke, zakonce in družinske člane samo za vsako novo leto.

The Chinese take a lot of time to celebrate in with their families. Employees get at least seven days off, and students get a month off. Poorer Chinese who work far from home visit their children, spouses and family members just for each New Year.

Praznujejo več dni, obiščejo sorodnike, odidejo v tempelj, občudujejo ulične povorke in ognjemete ter delajo strašen hrup s petardami.

They celebrate for several days, visit relatives, go to the temple, admire street processions and fireworks, and make a terrifying noise with firecrackers.

Veliko družin pa za novo leto gleda priljubljeno televizijsko novoletno oddajo. V njej nastopajo najboljši kitajski pevci, plesalci in akrobati.

Many families, however, watch the popular New Year's TV show for the New Year. It features the best Chinese singers, dancers and acrobats.

Pred novoletnimi prazniki ljudi zajame huda potovalna mrzlica. V mesecu dni se jih na pot odpravi vsaj 400 milijonov.

Before the New Year holidays, people are gripped by a severe travel fever. At least 400 million of them set off during the month.

Toda letos na avtobusih, vlakih in letalih ni pretirane gneče. Oblasti želijo preprečiti nov izbruh covida-19. Zato so uvedle različne ukrepe, poroča dopisnik BBC-ja iz Šanghaja. Kdor želi na potovanje, se mora denimo testirati ob odhodu od doma, ob prihodu na cilj potovanja, ob vrnitvi domov pa spet na točki odhoda in točki vrnitve.

But this year, buses, trains and planes are not overcrowded. The authorities want to prevent a new outbreak of covid-19. That is why they have introduced various measures, reports the BBC correspondent from Shanghai. For example, those who want to travel must be tested when leaving home, arriving at their destination, and again when going home at both the points of departure and return.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

09 Feb 2021, 10:56 AM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Ali roboti postajajo ljudje?

Are robots becoming humans?

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Roboti nam postajajo čedalje bolj podobni! Lahko čutijo bolečino in predvidevajo dejanja robota ob sebi.

Robots are becoming more and more like us! They can feel pain and anticipate the actions of the robot next to them.

Na Univerzi Columbia je znanstvena skupina ustvarila robota, ki čuti empatijo in lahko predvideva dejanja drugega robota.

At Columbia University, a scientific team has created a robot that senses empathy and can predict the actions of another robot.

Večina ljudi sicer to počne ves čas. Ko osebo bolje poznamo, lahko predvidevamo njena dejanja in odzive, kar nam pogosto olajša skupno življenje.

Most people do this all the time. When we know a person better, we can anticipate his actions and reactions, which often makes life easier for us.

Zato so raziskovalci pripravili poskus, pri katerem so enemu robotu na različna mesta postavljali zeleno piko, proti kateri se je moral premakniti. Pri tem so mu lahko postavili tudi oviro, da pike ni mogel videti.

Therefore, the researchers prepared an experiment in which they placed a green dot in different places, which a robot had to move towards. They were also able to put an obstacle in his way so that he could not see the dot.

S ptičje perspektive je dogajanje prek kamere opazoval inteligenten robot, ki z njim ni komuniciral.

From a bird's eye view, the events were observed via a camera by an intelligent robot who did not communicate with him [the other robot].

Ta ni vedel, kaj pomeni zelena pika in kaj ovire na robotovi poti. Kljub temu je sčasoma začel sklepati, kam robot želi iti in kaj je njegov cilj.

He [the intelligent robot] didn't know what the green dot meant and what the obstacles in the robot's path were. Nevertheless, he eventually began to infer where the robot wanted to go and what his goal was.

Opazovalni robot je lahko celo predvidel, da se robot ne bo premaknil proti zeleni piki, če je zaradi ovire ne bo videl.

The observation robot could even predict that the robot would not move toward the green dot if it could not see it due to an obstacle.

»Roboti verjetno ne bodo več dolgo naprave, ki samo sledijo navodilom,« meni vodja študije profesor Hod Lipson.

"Robots are unlikely to be devices that just follow instructions for much longer," said study leader Professor Hod Lipson.

Do podobnega zaključka kot Lipson so prišli tudi raziskovalci na univerzi na Japonskem. Naredili so robota, občutljivega za bolečino, ki lahko svoja čustva pokaže na obrazu.

Researchers at a university in Japan came to a similar conclusion as Lipson. They made a pain-sensitive robot that can show its emotions on its face.

Robota z otroškim obrazom so prekrili z umetno kožo in mu dodali čutilni sistem za bolečino.

The robot with a child's face was covered with artificial skin and a sensory system for pain was added to it.

Ob različnih dotikih so se njegovi izrazi na obrazu spreminjali. Ko je na koži začutil bolečino, se je celo skremžil.

The expressions on his face changed with different kinds of touch. When he felt pain in his skin, he even cringed.

Takšni preboji pri razvoju robotov bodo nekega dne pripomogli k izdelavi realističnih robotov, ki bodo razumeli naša čustva, predvidevali naša dejanja in bodo lahko tudi bolje skrbeli za nas.

Such breakthroughs in robot development will one day help to create realistic robots that will understand our emotions, anticipate our actions, and also be able to take better care of us.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

01 Feb 2021, 14:32 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Svetovni voditelji iz Davosa prek spleta v Singapur

World leaders from Davos to online and Singapore

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Davos je priljubljeno smučarsko letovišče v Švici. Januarja se vanj zgrnejo tudi številni politiki in gospodarstveniki ter misleci, da bi se pogovarjali o pomembnih stvareh.

Davos is a popular ski resort in Switzerland. In January, many politicians and businessmen, as well as thinkers, gather to discuss important issues.

Med drugim so na Svetovnem gospodarskem forumu govorili Greta Thunberg in David Attenborough o ukrepih za zaščito planeta in Jack Ma o umetni inteligenci.

Among others, Greta Thunberg and David Attenborough spoke at the World Economic Forum about measures to protect the planet, and Jack Ma about artificial intelligence.

Zaradi novega koronavirusa se je tudi forum vplivnih preselil na splet.

Due to the new coronavirus, the forum for influential people has also moved online.

Švedska najstnica, ki je nedavno postala polnoletna, je zbrane vplivneže nagovorila tudi letos. Spomnila jih je, da še vedno ignorirajo podnebno krizo, ki je posledica njihovega ravnanja v preteklosti.

The Swedish teenager, who recently became an adult, addressed the gathered influencers again this year. She reminded them that they are still ignoring the climate crisis that is resulting from their actions in the past.

»Tukaj sem, da vas spomnim na obljube, ki ste jih dali svojim otrokom in vnukom, in da vam povem, da nismo pripravljeni sprejemati kompromisov,« jim je sporočila.

"I am here to remind you of the promises you have made to your children and grandchildrenm and to tell you that we are not prepared to accept compromises," she told them.

Januarja lani so se v Davosu pogovarjali tudi o pojavu novega koronavirusa na Kitajskem, prav veliko pozornosti pa mu niso posvetili.

In January last year, the appearance of the new coronavirus in China was also discussed in Davos, but not much attention was paid to it.

To, kot kaže, ni bila modra odločitev. Novi koronavirus se je namreč v letu dni razširil po vsem svetu, terjal ogromno življenj, povzročil veliko gospodarske škode in marsikaj preoblikoval.

This, it seems, was not a wise decision. The new coronavirus has spread around the world in one year, claiming a huge number of lives, causing a lot of economic damage and transforming many things.

Letos zaradi njega nihče ni priletel v Davos. Svetovni voditelji, ki so se običajno radi neformalno družili, se sedaj prek klicev in v klepetalnicah pogovarjajo, kakšen bo svet po koroni. Ta način nekaterim ni najbolj blizu, zato se je foruma udeležilo precej manj gostov kot prejšnja leta.

No one flew to Davos this year because of it. World leaders, who used to like to socialize informally, are now using calls and chat rooms to discuss what the world will be like after corona. This method is not so welcoming for some, and therefore the forum was attended by far fewer guests than in previous years.

Njegovi organizatorji še vedno načrtujejo srečanje v živo – le da to ne bo več v Davosu, ampak v Singapurju.

Its organizers are still planning a live meeting - only it will no longer be in Davos, but in Singapore.

Selitev svetovnega gospodarskega foruma v Azijo nakazuje, da je korona na novo razporedila moč svetovnih velesil.

The relocation of the World Economic Forum to Asia suggests that corona has redistributed the power of the world’s superpowers.

Kitajski predsednik Ši Džinping je v Davosu že napovedal, da bo prav njegova država v prihodnje na čelu tistih, ki se bojujejo proti podnebnim spremembam.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has already announced in Davos that his country will be at the forefront of those fighting climate change in the future.

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25 Jan 2021, 15:21 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Vročinski rekord leta 2020

Heat record in 2020

Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga,  translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Leto 2020 je bilo najtoplejše, odkar redno merijo temperaturo planeta.

The year 2020 was the warmest since the planet’s temperature has been regularly measured.

Po izračunih Nase je lansko leto za manj kot desetinko stopinje Celzija prehitelo dosedanjega rekorderja, leto 2016. V Evropi je bilo lansko leto najtoplejši doslej, kažejo podatki evropskega programa Copernicus.

According to NASA calculations, last year surpassed the previous record by less than a tenth of a degree Celsius, 2016. Last year in Europe was the warmest so far, according to data from the European Copernicus program.

A naj bo leto 2020 novi nosilec tega neslavnega rekorda ali ne, zagotovo si ga bomo zapomnili po visokih temperaturah, močnih orkanih in divjih požarih.

But whether 2020 is the new bearer of this infamous record or not, we will surely remember it for its high temperatures, strong hurricanes and wildfires.

V letu 2020 je bilo veliko gozdnih požarov. Največji so divjali v Avstraliji in Kaliforniji.

In 2020, there were many forest fires. The largest were out of control in Australia and California.

Ledeniki se krčijo, večni led se topi. Če bo šlo tako naprej, bodo polarni medvedi do konca stoletja izumrli.

Glaciers are shrinking, polar ice is melting. If this continues, polar bears will become extinct by the end of the century.

Ti podatki tudi potrjujejo zaskrbljujoče dejstvo, da se naš planet iz leta v leto bolj segreva.

This data also confirms the worrying fact that our planet is warming more and more from year to year.

Po letu 2014 smo imeli sedem rekordnih vročinskih let, deset najtoplejših let pa je bilo v zadnjih 15 letih.

After 2014, we had seven record hot years, and the ten warmest years were in the last 15 years.

V zadnjih sto letih je bila povprečna temperatura na Zemlji zvišala za dve stopinji Celzije.

Over the last hundred years, the average temperature on Earth has risen by two degrees Celsius.

Tudi v Sloveniji je bilo leto 2020 po podatkih meteoroloških služb agencije za okolje (Arso) nadpovprečno toplo. Od najnižje povprečne vrednosti v obdobju 1981–2010 je bila temperatura višja za 1,3 stopinje Celzije, kar je preteklo leto med petimi najtoplejšimi po letu 1961.

According to the meteorological services of the Environment Agency (Arso), 2020 was also above average in Slovenia. From the lowest average value in the period 1981-2010, the temperature was 1.3 degrees Celsius higher, and last year was among the five warmest since 1961.

Vemo, da so krivci za to velikanski izpusti toplogrednih plinov v ozračje. Države podpisnice pariškega sporazuma so tako obvezne, da bodo te izpustile močno.

We know that the huge greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere are to blame for this. The countries that are signatories to the Paris Agreement are thus strongly committed to reducing these.

Evropa naj bi do leta 2050 postala podnebno nevtralna. To pomeni, da bi rastline, oceani in zemlja vsrkali toliko ogljikovega dioksida, kot ga ljudje izpustijo v ozračje. Toda od tega cilja smo zelo oddaljeni.

Europe is set to become climate neutral by 2050. This means that plants, oceans and land would absorb as much carbon dioxide as humans release into the atmosphere. But we are very far from that goal.

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18 Jan 2021, 16:08 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Beseda Leta 2020 Je Karantena

Word of the Year 2020 Is Quarantine

Written by Sandra Hanžič,  translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Katera beseda je najbolj zaznamovala leto 2020?

Which word marked 2020 the most?

Tokrat je odgovor na to vprašanje poenoten skoraj po vsem svetu. Snovalci angleških slovarjev so izbrali besede, tako ali drugače povezane s koronavirusom.

This time, the answer to this question is the same almost all over the world. The creators of English dictionaries have chosen words that are somehow related to the coronavirus.

Pri Collinsu so izbrali besedo lockdown (zaprtje), pri Merriam-Websterju pandemijo.

Collins chose the word lockdown, and Merriam-Webster chose pandemic.

Medtem so pri Oxfordu sklenili, da se nenavadnega leta ne da opisati s samo eno besedo. V posebnem poročilu so jih izbrali cel kup, poleg že naštetih tudi gozdni požar, ustavno obtožbo in socialno distanciranje.

Meanwhile at Oxford they concluded that the unusual year could not be described in just one word. In a special report, a whole bunch of them were selected, in addition to those already mentioned, there were bushfire, impeachment and social distancing.

Včeraj smo dobili še slovensko besedo leta, ki so jo petič zapored razglasili pri ZRC SAZU. Med finalistkami izbora, ki jih je izbrala strokovna komisija, je prevladovala ena tema, izražena z mnogo besedami – virus:

Yesterday we received the Slovenian Word of the Year, which was announced for the fifth time in a row at ZRC SAZU. Among the finalists selected by the expert commission, one theme prevailed, expressed in many words - the virus:

14 dni – 14 days

cepivo – vaccine

karantena – quarantine

kolesarjenje – cycling

mehurček – bubble

neleto – non-year

pozitiven – positive

predihovalnik – ventilator

rahljanje – easing

šolotožje – schoolsick

zoom – zoom

Enajsta finalistka je bila beseda cepivo, ki so jo za besedo leta izbrali pri časniku Delo.

The eleventh finalist was the word vaccine, which was chosen as the word of the year by the newspaper Delo.

Glasovalo je rekordnih 5000 ljudi. Zmago je osvojila karantena s približno 1050 glasovi.

A record 5,000 people voted. The victory was won by quarantine with about 1050 votes.

»Idealno jo, da je beseda čim bolj sveža, ilustrira pomembno družbeno spremembo ali pa je pogostost njene rabe občutno zrastla,« je dejala pobudnica akcije asist. dr. Simona Klemenčič.

"Ideally, the word should be as fresh as possible, illustrate an important social change, or the frequency of its use has increased significantly," said the initiator of the activity, Asst. Dr. Simona Klemenčič.

Nova beseda (neologizem) leta je postala wuhobran, kretnja leta – ki jo izbirajo v sodelovanju z Zvezo društev gluhih in naglušnih Slovenija – pa koronavirus.


A 'wuhobran' - photo: covid.si

The new word (neologism) of the year was wuhobran, and the gesture of the year - chosen in cooperation with the Association of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Societies Slovenia - was coronavirus.

Med rekordnimi 70 prejetimi pesmimi, ki morajo vsebovati vse finalistke za besedo leta, so izbrali pesem anonimnega avtorja Naša vojna.

Among the record 70 poems received, which must contain all the finalists for the word of the year, they chose a poem by an anonymous author, Our War.

Odkar pri ZRC SAZU izbirajo besedo leta, so to postale podnebje (2019), čebela (2018), evropski prvaki (2017) in begunec (2016).

Since ZRC SAZU has been choosing a word of the year, it has been climate (2019), bee (2018), European champions (2017) and refugee (2016).

Dobili so že prvi predlog za besedo leta 2021, in sicer vialo, besedo za stekleničko s cepivom.

They have already received the first proposal for the word in 2021, namely the vial, the word for the vaccine bottle.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

12 Jan 2021, 20:26 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Biden obtožil Trumpa napada na demokracijo

Biden accused Trump of attacking democracy

Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Dva tedna pred zaprisego novega ameriškega predsednika Joeja Bidna se je zgodilo nekaj nezaslišanega: privrženci predsednika Donalda Trumpa so vdrli v Kapitol, simbol ameriške demokracije.

Two weeks before the swearing-in of new US President Joe Biden, something unheard of happened: supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol, a symbol of American democracy.

V prostore, kjer je potekala seja kongresa, na kateri naj bi uradno razglasili rezultate novembrskih predsedniških volitev, je vdrlo najprej na stotine, nato na tisoče protestnikov, nekateri so bili oboroženi.

Hundreds, then thousands of protesters, some of them armed, stormed the premises where the congressional session was to officially announce the results of the November presidential election.

Izvoljeni predstavniki ljudstva so se poskrili po pisarnah, policisti in FBI pa so obkrožili poslopje.

Elected representatives of the people hid around the offices, and police and the FBI surrounded the building.

Razmere so se umirile pozno popoldne. V izgredih je umrlo pet ljudi, več deset so jih aretirali.

The situation calmed down late in the afternoon. Five people had died in the riots and dozens were arrested.

Kasneje so se politiki vrnili k delu in ob štirih zjutraj razglasili Bidna za zmagovalca volitev.

Later, politicians returned to work and declared Biden the winner of the election at four in the morning.

Ta je Trumpa obtožil, da je »sprožil popoln napad na demokracijo«.

He accused Trump of "launching a complete attack on democracy."

Mnogi ameriški politiki Trumpa pozivajo, naj prevzame odgovornost, saj je ščuval privržence k napadu na demokracijo. Nekateri celo menijo, da ga je treba predčasno odstraniti s predsedniškega mesta.

Many U.S. politicians are urging Trump to take responsibility, as he has urged supporters to attack democracy. Some even believe he should be removed from the presidency early.

Zaradi podpore izgrednikom so do nadaljnjega blokirali tudi njegova računa na Facebooku in Instagramu.

Due to support for the rioters, his Facebook and Instagram accounts were also blocked until further notice.

Ker je imel Trump blokiran tudi dostop do Twitterja, si je sposodil račun enega od sodelavcev in prek njega kmalu po izgredih obljubil »mirno predajo« oblasti. Takoj zatem pa je dodal, da se »sploh ne strinja z izidom

Because Trump was also blocked from accessing Twitter, he borrowed an account from one of his associates and promised to "peacefully hand over" power soon after the riots. Immediately afterwards, however, he added that he “does not agree with the outcome at all”.

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