STA, 3 September 2018 - Concluding a nine-month investigation, the Celje police arrested six Slovenians last week suspected of running a prostitution ring.
STA, 31 August 2018 - Novo Mesto police have detained a Slovenian couple who was abusing foreign women aged 20 to 46 for prostitution in the areas of Novo Mesto, in the south-east, and Celje, central Slovenia, for at least 14 years.
Two incidents show crossing the River Kolpa is not the only option.
STA, 23 July 2018 - A pair of smugglers were apprehended by Slovenian police in the border area of Krško on Friday after it turned out that one of them transported 34 migrants in a van in inhumane conditions.
STA, 17 July - Seven individuals have been indicted on human trafficking charges six months after several phone fraud centres manned by trafficked Taiwanese were uncovered, the Specialised State Prosecution told the STA on Tuesday.
STA, 11 May 2018, - Seven out of a total of nine defendants in a major drug and people trafficking case known as Cobra were found guilty of drug trafficking and illegal migrants smuggling on Friday, getting 31 years and four months in prison.
STA, 30 April 2018 - A husband and wife from Ljubljana have been sentenced to roughly three years in prison each by the Ljubljana District Court after they pleaded guilty to human trafficking.
The migrants paid around 3,500 EUR each to move from Serbia to Italy.
Trafficking for the purpose of sexual abuse is still the most common form.
China protests use of Taiwanese interpreters.