Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Preden oblikuješ mnenje, se pozanimaj pri različnih virih
Before forming an opinion, ask various sources
Written by Sandra Hanžič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Kako krmariti v izobilju različnih med sabo nasprotujočih si podatkov?
How to navigate the abundance of different, conflicting data?
Nekaj nasvetov ponuja izr. prof. dr. Gregor Torkar s Pedagoške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani.
Some advice is offered by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gregor Torkar from the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana.
Dvomljivci v obstoj novega koronavirusa in v učinkovitost cepiv pravijo, da kritično razmišljajo. Ali lahko kritično razmišljamo tudi o tem, kdaj sonce zaide in kakšno je vrelišče vode?
Doubters about the existence of the new coronavirus and the effectiveness of the vaccines say they are thinking critically. Can we also think critically about when the sun sets and what the boiling point of water is?
Tukaj gre za težavo zaupanja drug drugemu. Kadar peljem avto na servis, verjamem, da je serviser naredil tisto, kar je obljubil. Sam se ne spoznam na to.
This is a problem of trusting each other. When I take a car to the service station, I believe the service technician did what he promised. I don't know that myself.
Zato imamo razdeljene družbene vloge. In tudi znanstveniki imajo neko vlogo.
That is why we have divided social roles. And scientists have a role to play, too.
Ni nujno, da vsi delajo v dobro družbe. Sem pa prepričan, tako kot pri vseh poklicih, da večina dela v dobro družbe in napredka.
It is not necessary that everyone works for the good of society. However, I am convinced, as with all professions, that most work for the good of society and progress.
Če v to ne verjamemo več, bomo kot družba težko preživeli. Pandemija ni naš največji izziv. Tisti najtežji bodo prišli v obliki podnebnih sprememb, kjer se bo treba odločati na enak način. Brez zaupanja v podatke bomo težko sprejemali odločitve.
If we no longer believe in this, we as a society will have a hard time surviving. A pandemic is not our biggest challenge. The most difficult one will come in the form of climate change, where decisions will have to be made in the same way. Without trust in data, we will find it difficult to make decisions.
Kako so s tem povezani proticepilci?
How are vaccines related to this?
Ne bi jih rad obsojal. V tej kopici podatkov, in kadar nisi strokovnjak na nekem področju, mora vsakdo, tako kot znanstveniki, dvomiti.
I would not like to condemn them. In this pile of data, and when you’re not an expert in a field, everyone, like scientists, has to doubt.
Vprašanje je samo, koliko boš v to odločitev vložil. Preden jo sprejmeš, moraš preveriti dejstva in jih razumeti. Če jih ne, se moraš pozanimati pri tistih, ki jim zaupaš in so usposobljeni, da to govorijo.
The only question is how much you will invest in this decision. Before you accept it, you need to check the facts and understand them. If not, you need to inquire from those you trust and are trained to say so.
Bolj si moramo zaupati. Ta negotovost je posledica splošnega družbenega nezaupanja in sebičnosti.
We need to trust each other more. This uncertainty is the result of general social distrust and selfishness.
Kaj svetujete mladim?
What do you advise young people?
Ko oblikujete svoje mnenje, se pozanimajte pri različnih virih. Ne vedno zaupati prvemu in ne samo enemu viru. Poslušajte drugačna mnenja in si potem ustvarite sliko.
When forming your opinion, inquire from various sources. Don’t always trust the first and not just one source. Listen to different opinions and then create an image for yourself.
Ko bomo začeli to dvoje spoštovati, se bomo lažje vživeli v situacijo nekoga drugega, sprejemali pomisleke in ne bomo tako agresivni drug do drugega.
When we start to respect these two, we will find it easier to empathize with someone else’s situation, accept concerns, and not be so aggressive toward each other.
Žal marsikdo ostaja zgolj pred svojim računalnikom. Takšno sodelovalno skupinsko komunikacijo bi zato morala spodbujati šola.
Unfortunately, many people are left alone in front of their computer. Such collaborative group communication should therefore be encouraged by the school.
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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
11. september, dan, ki je spremenil svet
September 11, the day that changed the world
Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Ko govorimo o 11. septembru, imamo v mislih 11. september 2001. Na ta dan je v ZDA prišlo do terorističnega napada, ki je pretresel ne samo Američane, ampak ves svet.
When we talk about 11 September, we have 11 September 2001 in mind. On that day, there was a terrorist attack in the US that shook not only Americans, but the whole world.
Na torkovo jutro pred dvajsetimi leti so teroristi ugrabili štiri letala. Prvo je ob 8.46 uri po krajevnem času trčilo v severni stolp, drugo pa četrt ure zatem v južni stolp Svetovnega trgovinskega centra. Stolpnici sta se podrli v dimu in ognju, ki je gorel še sedem dni.
On Tuesday morning twenty years ago, terrorists hijacked four planes. The first collided with the north tower at 8.46 am local time, and the second quarter of an hour later with the south tower of the World Trade Center. The skyscrapers collapsed in smoke and fire that burned for another seven days.
Tretje ugrabljeno letalo se je zaletelo v Pentagon, poslopje ameriškega obrambnega ministrstva v Washingtonu. Četrto je pilot namenoma usmeril tako, da je strmoglavilo v bližini mesta Pittsburgh, ne da bi se zaletelo v določeni cilj.
A third hijacked plane crashed into the Pentagon, a U.S. Department of Defense building in Washington. The fourth, the pilot deliberately steered so that it crashed near the city of Pittsburgh without crashing into a specific target.
Za napade je bila odgovorna teroristična skupina Al Kaida pod vodstvom Osame bin Ladna. Deset let kasneje so ga specialne enote ameriške vojske odkrile v Pakistanu in ga ubile.
The terrorist group Al Qaeda, led by Osama bin Laden, was responsible for the attacks. Ten years later, he was discovered and killed by US military special forces in Pakistan.
Ob deseti obletnici so na mestu, kjer sta nekoč stala »dvojčka«, kot so rekli newyorškima stolpnicama, odprli spominski park.
On the occasion of the tenth anniversary, a memorial park was opened on the site where the "twins" once stood, as the New York high-rises were called.
Na dvajseto obletnico se bodo tragičnega dogodka spomnili z glasnim branjem imen žrtev. Ta so zapisana na marmornih ploščah ob dveh bazenih, ki sta na mestu, kjer sta nekoč stali stolpnici.
The twentieth anniversary will be commemorated by reading the names of the victims aloud. These are written on marble slabs next to two pools, which are on the site where the high-rises once stood.
Dogodki 11. septembra 2001 so spremenili Ameriko in ves svet.
The events of September 11, 2001, changed America and the world.
V ZDA so po napadu ustanovili posebno ministrstvo za domovinsko varnost, ki pri iskanju teroristov lahko omeji svoboščine državljanov.
In the United States, a special Department of Homeland Security was set up after the attack, which can restrict citizens' freedoms in the search for terrorists.
V strahu pred novimi terorističnimi napadi so po svetu uvedli stroge varnostne ukrepe, na primer na letališčih.
Fearing new terrorist attacks, strict security measures have been introduced around the world, for example at airports.
Toda v vojni proti terorizmu je težko zmagati. Po 11. septembru 2001 se je zgodilo še več terorističnih napadov, v katerih je umrlo na stotine nedolžnih ljudi.
But the war on terror is hard to win. Since 9/11, there have been even more terrorist attacks in which hundreds of innocent people have died.
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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Kdaj se bo pandemija končala?
When will the pandemic end?
Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
To je vprašanje, ki si ga zastavljamo, odkar smo 11. marca 2020 razglasili pandemijo novega koronavirusa.
This is a question we have been asking ourselves since we declared a new coronavirus pandemic on 11 March 2020.
Čeprav se poleti ukrepi omilijo in nam dajo upanje, da bo morda pandemije kmalu konec, s hladnejšimi meseci znova dobimo nove okužbe in občutek, da se ta ne bo nikoli končala.
Although the measures are relaxed in the summer and give us hope that the pandemic may end soon, with the colder months we get new infections again and the feeling that this will never end.
Pandemija se bo končala, vendar to ne pomeni, da bomo virus iztrebili. Verjetno bo ostal z nami in še naprej krožil med prebivalstvom.
The pandemic will end, but that doesn’t mean we will exterminate the virus. It will probably stay with us and continue to circulate among the population.
Iz prejšnjih pandemij smo se naučili, da bolezni težko iztrebimo. Še posebej, če so tako nalezljive in hitro mutirajo kot koronavirus.
We have learned from previous pandemics that diseases are difficult to eradicate. Especially if they are as contagious and mutate like the coronavirus.
Cepiva so še vedno naše najmočnejše orožje proti novemu koronavirusu.
Vaccines are still our most powerful weapon against the new coronavirus.
Zato se znanstveniki zanašajo na to, da se bo naš imunski sistem sčasoma navadil nanj in zato ta ne bo več tako nevaren. Pri tem seveda močno pomagajo cepiva.
Therefore, scientists rely on the fact that our immune system will eventually get used to it and therefore it will no longer be so dangerous. Of course, vaccines help a lot.
»Če lahko zmanjšamo število umrlih pod določen nivo in nadaljujemo z normalnim življenjem, lahko rečemo, da se je pandemija končala,« pravi raziskovalec dr. Jagpreet Chhatwal.
"If we can reduce the number of deaths below a certain level and continue with normal life, we can say that the pandemic is over," says researcher Dr. Jagpreet Chhatwal.
Vendar je do sedaj cepivo prejelo le 28 odstotkov svetovnega prebivalstva, kar ni spodbudno.
However, so far only 28 percent of the world’s population has received the vaccine, which is not encouraging.
Revnejšim državam primanjkuje cepiv, medtem ko se v ostalih državah dogaja, da jih ljudje, zaradi dvomov v njihovo učinkovitost, zavračajo.
Poorer countries lack vaccines, while other countries reject them because of doubts about their effectiveness.
Tako majhna precepljenost virusu omogoča hitrejše širjenje in poveča verjetnost za nove različice.
Such low vaccination coverage allows the virus to spread faster and increases the likelihood of new versions.
Kdaj bo torej konec pandemije? To bo določila Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija, ko bo presodila, da je virus pod nadzorom in mu bo dala status endemičnega virusa.
So when will the pandemic end? This will be determined by the World Health Organization when it judges that the virus is under control and gives it endemic virus status.
Druga možnost je, da se bo javnost sama odločila, da je konec pandemije, in kljub nevzdržnemu širjenju virusa ne bo več upoštevala ukrepov. Takšen odziv lahko privede do številnih smrti.
Alternatively, the public will decide for itself that the pandemic is over and will no longer take action despite the unsustainable spread of the virus. Such a response could lead to many deaths.
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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Testi za samotestiranje na voljo v lekarnah
Self-test tests available in pharmacies
Written by Sandra Hanžič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
V teh dneh potekajo še zadnje priprave na novo šolsko leto.
These days, the last preparations for the new school year are underway.
Učenci sedmih, osmih in devetih razredov ter dijaki bodo tudi tokrat imeli možnost samotestiranja na novi koronavirus.
Seventh, eighth and ninth grade students as well as high school students will once again have the opportunity to self-test for the new coronavirus.
Brezplačne teste bodo lahko prevzeli v lekarnah, in sicer s svojo kartico obveznega zdravstvenega zavarovanja, izjemoma pa s potrdilom o vpisu v šolo. Predvidoma bodo na voljo od danes naprej, je napovedal državni sekretar na ministrstvu za zdravje Robert Cugelj.
They will be able to take the free tests in pharmacies, with their compulsory health insurance card and, exceptionally, with a certificate of enrolment in school. They are expected to be available from today, announced State Secretary at the Ministry of Health Robert Cugelj.
Ob testih bodo dobili tudi navodila za uporabo.
They will also receive instructions for use during the tests.
Samotestirali se bodo enkrat na teden, bodisi doma bodisi v dijaškem domu. Vsak bo upravičen do petih testov na mesec.
They will self-test once a week, either at home or in the dorm. Each will be eligible for five tests per month.
Kaj se zgodi, če bo test pozitiven?
What happens if the test is positive?
O tem morajo takoj obvestiti osebnega zdravnika, ki jih usmeri na dodatno potrditev s testom PCR. Dokler niso znani rezultati, morajo ostati doma v samoizolaciji. Če so pozitivni tudi na testu PCR, morajo to sporočiti ravnatelju svoje šole.
They should immediately inform their personal physician, who will direct them for further confirmation by PCR test. Until the results are known, they should stay home in self-isolation. If they are also positive on the PCR test, they must report this to their school principal.
Če je test PCR negativen, gredo lahko v šolo in na druge dejavnosti.
If the PCR test is negative, they can go to school and other activities.
Posebno skrb je treba nameniti ravnanju z odpadki, ki nastanejo pri samotestiranju, je poudaril Cugelj. Odložiti jih je treba v vrečko, jo zavezati, nanjo napisati, da gre za odpadke od samotestiranja, jo hraniti ločeno od drugih odpadkov vsaj 72 ur in nato dati v zabojnik z odpadki.
Special attention should be paid to the management of waste generated during self-testing, Cugelj emphasized. They must be placed in a bag, tied, labelled as self-testing waste, kept separate from other waste for at least 72 hours and then placed in a waste container.
Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje bo za dijake pripravil anketo, v kateri jih bodo spraševali, kako učinkovit je ta ukrep.
The National Institute of Public Health will prepare a survey for students asking how effective this measure is.
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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Plečnikova dela uvrščena na Unescov seznam svetovne dediščine
Plečnik's works are on the UNESCO World Heritage List
Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Na Unescovem seznamu svetovne dediščine lahko po novem najdemo tudi arhitekta Jožeta Plečnika. O enem izmed naših najpomembnejših arhitektov smo se pogovarjali z arhitektom in urednikom revije Outsider Matevžem Grando.
Architect Jože Plečnik can now be found on the UNESCO World Heritage List. We talked about one of our most important architects with the architect and editor of Outsider magazine Matevž Grando.
Zakaj je bil Plečnik šele zdaj uvrščen na Unescov seznam svetovne dediščine?
Uvrščanje svetovne dediščine na Unescov seznam je dolgotrajen postopek. Predlagatelji morajo pripraviti dobro obrazložen predlog, zakaj bi bilo nekaj primerno uvrstiti nanj. Potem pa mednarodna komisija vlogo dlje časa preučuje, saj mora pri tem slediti strogim kriterijem in si vse predloge ogledati v živo.
Why was Plečnik only now included in the UNESCO World Heritage List?
The inclusion of a UNESCO World Heritage Site is a lengthy process. Proposers should make a well-reasoned proposal as to why it would be appropriate to include something on it. After that, the international commission examines the application for a longer period of time, as it has to follow strict criteria and see all the proposals in person.
Pri odločanju ni pomembno samo stanje objektov, ampak tudi odnos skupnosti do njih. Zato na seznamu ni Bežigrajskega stadiona, ki je v zelo slabem stanju.
When deciding, it is not only the condition of the facilities that is important, but also the attitude of the community towards them. Therefore, the Bežigrad Stadium, which is in very poor condition, is not on the list.
Čeprav je uvrstitev njegovih del na Unescov seznam trajala dolgo, je prišla ob zelo pravem času. Točno pred stotimi leti je bilo namreč za Plečnika prelomno leto, saj je začel poučevati arhitekturo v Ljubljani in graditi to, kar danes imenujemo Plečnikova Ljubljana.
Although the inclusion of his works on the UNESCO list took a long time, it came at a very opportune time. Exactly one hundred years ago was a turning point for Plečnik, as he began teaching architecture in Ljubljana and building what we now call Plečnik's Ljubljana.
Zakaj veliko Plečnikovih idej ni bilo uresničenih?
V ustvarjalnih poklicih je to normalno. Veliko idej in zamisli, ki jih je imel Leonardo da Vinci, tudi nikoli ni bilo uresničenih.
Why were many of Plečnik's ideas not realized?
This is normal in creative professions. Many of the ideas and concepts that Leonardo da Vinci had were also never realized.
Veliki ustvarjalci stalno ustvarjajo. Zavedajo se, da bo uresničen le del njihovih zamisli, a to ni ovira, da ne bi ustvarjali naprej. Poleg tega je v arhitekturi za izgradnjo pomembnih več dejavnikov, na katere arhitekt nima vedno vpliva.
Great creators are constantly creating. They are aware that only some of their ideas will be realized, but this is not an obstacle to not creating further. In addition, several factors are important in architecture for construction that the architect does not always have an influence over.
Kakšni so bili njegovi načrti za tovarno čokolade na Dunaju?
V njegovi monografiji, ki je izšla leta 1920, so bila objavljena le njegova dunajska dela in neizvedeni projekti iz tistega časa, med njimi tudi tovarna čokolade. Zasnoval jo je kot mrežo ploskev, ki spominjajo na tablico čokolade. Takrat je bila pri načrtovanju tovarn zelo pomembna lepota. Tako je tudi Plečnikova tovarna čokolade prava estetska mojstrovina.
What were his plans for a chocolate factory in Vienna?
In his monograph, published in 1920, only his Viennese works and unfinished projects from that time were published, including a chocolate factory. He designed it as a grid of surfaces reminiscent of a bar of chocolate. At that time, beauty was very important in the design of factories. Thus, Plečnik's chocolate factory is a true aesthetic masterpiece.
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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Preveč poguma lahko škodi
Too much courage can hurt
Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Pogum je pogosto zaželena vrlina, a vseeno ne smemo pozabiti na previdnost. Ob neprevidnem vedenju se namreč lahko hitro znajdemo v nevarnosti.
Courage is often a desirable virtue, but we must not forget caution. With careless behaviour, we can quickly find ourselves in danger.
Živali so denimo v bližini plenilcev pogosto previdnejše, saj jim takšno obnašanje poveča verjetnost za preživetje.
Animals, for example, are often more careful near predators, as such behaviour increases their likelihood of survival.
Zaznavanje nevarnosti pa se lahko spremeni zaradi utrujenosti, lakote, strupov in zajedavcev.
However, perceptions of danger can change due to fatigue, hunger, toxins and parasites.
Takšen zajedavec je denimo Toxoplasma gondii, ki povzroča bolezen toksoplazmozo. Pogosta je pri domačih mačkah in lahko se prenese na človeka.
Such a parasite is, for example, Toxoplasma gondii, which causes the disease toxoplasmosis. It is common in domestic cats and can be transmitted to humans.
Še posebej je nevarna za nosečnice, saj lahko povzroči hujše zaplete pri dojenčkih.
It is especially dangerous for pregnant women as it can cause more serious complications in babies.
Toksoplazmozo najdemo tudi pri divjih mačkah v naravi.
Toxoplasmosis is also found in wild cats in the wild.
Znanstveniki so v Keniji trideset let raziskovali, kako vpliva na obnašanje hijen.
Scientists have been researching how it affects the behaviour of hyenas in Kenya for thirty years.
Osredotočili so se predvsem na mladiče, mlajše od enega leta. Pri tej starosti so še zelo nebogljeni in okužba ima nanje največji vpliv.
They focused mainly on cubs under one year of age. At this age, they are still very helpless, and the infection has the greatest impact on them.
»Matere za varnost svojih mladičev porabijo veliko časa. Zanje skrbijo do približno enega leta, vendar mladiči niso popolnoma samostojni, dokler niso stari dve leti ali več,« pravi soavtor raziskave dr. Zach Laubach.
“Mothers spend a lot of time on the safety of their cubs. They are cared for for about a year, but the cubs are not completely independent until they are two years old or older,” says the co-author of the study, Dr. Zach Laubach.
Znanstveniki so spoznali, da so mladiči, okuženi s toksoplazmozo, v bližini levov pogumnejši kot neokuženi mladiči.
Scientists have found that toxoplasmosis-infected cubs are braver near lions than uninfected cubs.
Zaradi preveč pogumnega vedenja jih ti lažje napadejo. Neprevidni mladiči se jim namreč težje umaknejo.
Too much courageous behaviour makes it easier for you to attack them. Careless cubs find it harder to withdraw.
Pri tako nizki starosti se morajo mladiči zanesti le na previdnost in zaradi neizkušenosti so lahek plen.
At such a young age, pups need to rely only on caution and, due to inexperience, are easy prey.
Raziskovalcev zato ni presenetilo, ko so njihovi izračuni pokazali, da je bilo več kot 80 odstotkov mladičev, ki so poginili zaradi levjega napada, okuženih s toksoplazmozo.
The researchers were therefore not surprised when their calculations showed that more than 80 percent of the cubs that died from the lion’s attack were infected with toxoplasmosis.
Zanimivo pa je, da pri hijenah, starejših od enega leta, sprememb v obnašanju niso opazili, tudi če so se okužile s toksoplazmozo.
Interestingly, no changes in behaviour were observed in hyenas older than one year, even if they became infected with toxoplasmosis.
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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Janja Garnbret splezala do zlate olimpijske medalje
Janja Garnbret climbed to the Olympic gold medal
Written by Sabina Lavrič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Ko je bila majhna, je Janja Garnbret rada plezala po drevesih, vratih in omarah. Starši so jo vpisali v plezalni klub, kjer se je srečala s pravo steno in oprimki.
When she was little, Janja Garnbret loved to climb trees, doors and closets. Her parents enrolled her in a climbing club, where she encountered a real wall and grips.
Kmalu je postala tako dobra, da je začela tekmovati. Danes je Janja šestkratna svetovna in po novem tudi olimpijska prvakinja v športnem plezanju!
She soon became so good that she started competing. Today, Janja is a six-time world and now also an Olympic champion in sport climbing!
Plezalke so se v finalu tako kot v sredo v kvalifikacijah, ki jih je dobila prav Janja, merile v treh disciplinah. Najprej v hitrostnem plezanju, nato na balvanih in za konec še v težavnostnem plezanju.
In the finals, as on Wednesday in the qualifications, which were won by Janja, the climbers competed in three disciplines. First in speed climbing, then on bouldering and finally in lead climbing.
Kot peta najhitrejša je z novim državnim rekordom preplezala 15-metrsko steno. Na balvanih, kjer se pleza brez vrvi, Janja je edina med osmimi tekmovalkami dvakrat dosegla vrh. Nato je s plezalnim pasom, vrvjo in vrečko magnezija priplezala najvišje še v težavnostnem plezanju.
As the fifth fastest, she climbed a 15-meter wall with a new national record. On the boulders, where she climbs without a rope, Janja was the only one of the eight competitors to reach the top twice. Then, with a climbing harness, rope and a bag of chalk, she climbed the highest in lead climbing.
V dneh pred tekmo je bila zelo nervozna, ker so vsi rekli, da bo dobila zlato medaljo.
In the days before the match, she was very nervous, because everyone said she would get a gold medal.
»Ne znam povedati, kako mi je odleglo. Težko je bilo ostati zbran v vseh treh disciplinah. Posrečilo se mi je v hitrosti, zbrana sem ostala v balvanih, na koncu sem odplezala najbolje kot znam. Ne vem, kako sem zmogla, ampak mi je uspelo,« je povedala po osvojitvi olimpijskega zlata.
“I can’t tell you how relieved I was. It was hard to stay focused in all three disciplines. I was lucky in the speed, I stayed collected in the boulders, in the end I climbed the best I know how. I don't know how I managed, but I succeeded, "she said after winning the Olympic gold.
Janja bo v zgodovino olimpijskih iger za vedno zapisana kot prva olimpijska prvakinja v športnem plezanju, saj tega športa doslej na olimpijskih igrah ni bilo.
Janja will forever go down in the history of the Olympic Games as the first Olympic champion in sport climbing, as this sport has not been at the Olympic Games before.
To je bila peta medalja za Slovenijo na teh olimpijskih igrah, tretja zlata.
This was the fifth medal for Slovenia at these Olympic Games, the third gold.
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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Košarkarji budijo olimpijski duh
Basketball players awaken the Olympic spirit
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Veliko ljudji je že zgrabil olimpijski duh.
Many people have already been grabbed by the Olympic spirit.
Še navdušeno in so kričali Kdor ne skače, ni Sloven’c med tekmo slovenskih košarkarjev s Španci.
They already enthusiastically shouted Who is not jumping is not a Slovene during the match of Slovenian basketball players with the Spaniards.
Slovenci so med napeto tekmo vodili le šest minut, a so na koncu vseeno premagali svetovne prvake Špance.
The Slovenes led only six minutes during a tense match, but in the end they still defeated the world champions, the Spanishi.
Tekma je bila dopoldne po našem času, zato ste si jo lahko ogledali v živo in se veselili ko so Luka Dončić, Klemen Prepelič, Žiga Dimec in drugi člani olimpijske reprezentance zabijali koše.
The match was in the morning our time, so you could watch it live and rejoice when Luka Dončić, Klemen Prepelič, Žiga Dimec and other members of the Olympic team scored baskets.
Tekma je bila napeta do zadnje sekunde, ko so slovenski košarkarji slavili zmago z rezultatom 95:87. Novinar Dela Edo Brozovič je ob tem zapisal, da je zmagalo slovensko srce.
The match was tense until the last second, when the Slovenian basketball players celebrated the victory with the result 95:87. Delo journalist Edo Brozovič wrote that the Slovenian heart had won.
V četrtfinalu so se nato pomerili z Nemci.
They then faced the Germans in the quarterfinals.
To tekmo ste si v živo ogledali res najbolj zvesti navijači: tisti, ki ste si nastavili budilko in se zbudili sredi noči, saj se je tekma začela ob 3. uri po našem času.
This match was watched live by the really most loyal fans: those of you who set your alarm clock and woke up in the middle of the night as the match started at 3am our time.
Vsi, ki ste tekmo prespali, si v posnetku lahko ogledate njene najlepše trenutke.
Everyone who slept through the match can see its most beautiful moments in the video.
Tudi tokrat so bili uspešnejši Slovenci. Zmagali so s 94:70.
Once again, the Slovenes were the most successful. They won 94:70.
Tudi drugi slovenski tekmovalci so zadovoljni s svojimi nastopi, na primer atleti Maruša Mišmaš Zrimšek, Tina Šutej, Luka Janežič, in jadralki Tina Mrak in Veronika Macarol.
Other Slovenian competitors are also satisfied with their performances, such as athletes Maruša Mišmaš Zrimšek, Tina Šutej, Luka Janežič, and sailors Tina Mrak and Veronika Macarol.
Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.
Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Najstnik in babica v vesolju, z njima še Jeff Bezos iz Amazona
A teenager and a grandmother in space, with Jeff Bezos from Amazon
Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Milijarder Jeff Bezos je izpolnil svoje otroške sanje.
Billionaire Jeff Bezos has fulfilled his childhood dream.
Z bratom Markom, 82-letno Wally Funk, ki je na tak polet pripravljena že šestdeset let, in osemnajstletnim Nizozemcem Oliverjem Daemenom je poletel v vesolje. Polet je trajal deset minut, raketa pa je dosegla 100 kilometrov višine. Posadka je za nekaj minut lahko občutila breztežnost.
He flew into space with his brother Mark, 82-year-old Wally Funk, who has been ready for such a flight for sixty years, and eighteen-year-old Dutchman Oliver Daemen. The flight lasted ten minutes and the rocket reached an altitude of 100 kilometres. The crew could feel weightlessness for a few minutes.
Bezosovo podjetje Blue Origin se je tako pridružilo tistim, ki ponujajo turistične polete v vesolje.
Bezos’ company Blue Origin has thus joined those offering tourist space flights.
»To ni tekmovanje, to je utiranje poti v vesolje, da bodo prihodnji rodovi lahko v vesolju počeli neverjetne stvari,« je pred poletom dejal Jeff Bezos.
“This isn't a competition. This is about building a road to space so that future generations can do incredible things in space," Jeff Bezos said before the flight.
Bezos, ustanovitelj podjetja za spletno prodajo Amazon, je drugi bogataš v zadnjem mesecu, ki je poletel v vesolje. Prvi je to storil Richard Branson, šef podjetja Virgin.
Bezos, the founder of online sales company Amazon, is the second richt man in the last month to fly into space. The first to do so was Richard Branson, head of Virgin.
Tudi Wally Funk so se uresničile dolgoletne sanje: »Vseeno je, kaj si. Če želiš nekaj storiti, to lahko storiš,« je dejala pred poletom.
Wally Funk, too, had a long-held dream come true: “It doesn’t matter what you are. If you want to do something, you can do it, ”she said before the flight.
Izkušena pilotka je želela v vesolje že v šestdesetih letih 20. stoletja, a ker je ženska, se takrat to ni zgodilo. Sedaj ji je končno uspelo, in s tem je pokazala številnim dekletom po svetu, da nič ni nemogoče.
The experienced pilot wanted to go into space as early as the 1960s, but because she is a woman this did not happen at the time. Now she has finally succeeded, and in doing so has shown many girls around the world that nothing is impossible.
Oliver Daemen, bodoči študent fizike na Univerzi v Utrechtu na Nizozemskem, je postal najmlajši človek, ki je poletel v vesolje.
Oliver Daemen, a future physics student at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, became the youngest man to fly into space.
»Bilo je neverjetno, hkrati pa zelo naravno,« je dejal na tiskovni konferenci po pristanku.
“It was amazing, but at the same time very natural,” he told a news conference after landing.
Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.
Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Tadej Pogačar drugič zapored kralj dirke po Franciji
Tadej Pogačar is the king of the Tour de France for the second time in a row
Written by Sabina Lavrič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
Danes si lahko nadeneš kaj rumenega v čast vrhunskim kolesarjem, ki so včeraj zaključili tritedensko kolesarsko dirko po Franciji!
Today you can wear something yellow in honour of the top cyclists who finished the three-week cycling race in France yesterday!
Zmagovalec Tour de Francea je postal 22-letni kolesar s Klanca pri Komendi Tadej Pogačar.
A 22-year-old cyclist from Klanac near Komenda, Tadej Pogačar, became the winner of the Tour de France.
Lani je na zaključnem kronometru premagal Primoža Rogliča, letos pa je bil vodilni kolesar že nekaj etap.
Last year he defeated Primož Roglič in the final chronometer, and this year he was the leading cyclist for several stages.
Majico vodilnega je oblekel po 8. etapi in jo obdržal vse do parade šampionov v Parizu.
He wore the leader's shirt after the 8th stage and kept it until the parade of champions in Paris.
Drugi so stiskali zobe, on pa je z nasmeškom premagoval najtežje klance. Vsaj zdelo se je tako. V resnici je zelo trpel.
Others gritted their teeth, but he overcame the most difficult slopes with a smile. At least it seemed so. In fact, he suffered greatly.
Dve zaporedni zmagi v Pirenejih sta mu poleg rumene prinesli še pikčasto majico najboljšega hribolazca, kar je bil že na lanskem Touru. Znova je oblekel tudi belo majico najboljšega mladega kolesarja.
Two consecutive victories in the Pyrenees brought him, in addition to the yellow one, the polka dot shirt of the best mountaineer, which he already had on last year's Tour. He also wore the white shirt of the best young cyclist again.
Tadej je z drugimi kolesarji v treh tednih prekolesaril okrog 3400 kilometrov.
Tadej cycled around 3,400 kilometers with other cyclists in three weeks.
Od 21 etap sta jih kar pet osvojila Slovenca! Tadej je zmagal na kronometru in dvakrat zapored v Pirenejih. Dve zmagi je dosegel tudi Matej Mohorič. Ob koncu prvega tedna je zmagal na najzahtevnejši in skupno tudi najdaljši etapi, dolgi kar 249,1 kilometra.
Out of 21 stages, five Slovenians won! Tadej won the chronometer and twice in a row in the Pyrenees. Matej Mohorič also achieved two victories. At the end of the first week, he won the most demanding and also the longest stage, 249.1 kilometres long.
Na Touru smo letos navijali še za Primoža Rogliča in Luko Mezgeca.
On the Tour this year, we also cheered for Primož Roglič and Luka Mezgec.
Vsi štirje zastopajo Slovenijo, a tekmujejo v različnih ekipah. Tadej tekmuje za UAU Team Emirates, Matej za Bahrain Victorious, Luka za BikeExchange in Primož za ekipo Jumbo-Visma.
All four represent Slovenia, but compete in different teams. Tadej competes for UAU Team Emirates, Matej for Bahrain Victorious, Luka for BikeExchange and Primož for Jumbo-Visma.
Primož je zaradi padcev tekmovanje zaključil kmalu po začetku Toura. Njegove poškodbe so bile tako hude, da ni mogel nadaljevati.
Due to the falls, Primož finished the competition soon after the start of the Tour. His injuries were so severe that he could not continue.
»Čas je, da se pozdravim in osredotočim na nove cilje,« se je sprijaznil Roglič. V mislih je že pri olimpijskih igrah, ki se začnejo že zelo kmalu.
"It's time to say goodbye and focus on new goals," Roglič agreed. He is already thinking about the Olympics, which are starting very soon.
Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.
Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.
Italijani so evropski nogometni prvaki
The Italians are European football champions
Written by Sabina Lavrič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate
En mesec smo lahko uživali ob mojstrovinah najboljših nogometašev stare celine.
For a month we were able to enjoy the masterworks of the best footballers of the old continent.
16. evropsko prvenstvo v nogometu je potekalo v 11 različnih evropskih mestih. Euro 2020 se je začel v Rimu in zaključil v Londonu, v finalu pa sta se pomerili prav reprezentanci iz Italije in Anglije.
The 16th European Football Championship took place in 11 different European cities. Euro 2020 started in Rome and ended in London, and in the final the national teams from Italy and England competed.
Za naslov evropskega prvaka se je sicer borilo 24 držav.
24 countries competed for the title of European champion.
Tekma bi se težko začela bolje za Angleže. Že v drugi minuti je Luke Shaw zadel gol. Leonardo Bonucci je nato v 67. minuti izenačil na 1 : 1. Tekma se je nazadnje končala neodločeno in tudi podaljški niso prinesli zmagovalca. Odločile so šele enajstmetrovke: Italijani so bili s tremi zadetki boljši od Angležev, ki so dosegli dva.
The match could hardly have started better for the English. Luke Shaw scored in the second minute. Leonardo Bonucci tied the game at 1 - 1 after 67 minutes, when he converted an incredible pass from the right. It was only decided by the penalties: the Italians were better with three goals than the English, who scored two.
Finale na stadionu Wembley v Londonu si je ogledalo kar 65.000 navijačev.
The final at Wembley Stadium in London was watched by as many as 65,000 fans.
Angleški nogometaši so bili v precejšnji prednosti, saj so imeli veliko podporo domačih navijačev. Nogometaši iz Italije se kljub temu niso prestrašili in so dali vse od sebe.
The English footballers had a significant advantage as they had a lot of support from the home fans. The footballers from Italy, however, were not intimidated and did their best.
Italijani so drugič zmagali na evropskem prvenstvu, po tistem, ko jim je to uspelo leta 1968. Italija tudi sicer velja za eno najuspešnejših nogometnih reprezentanc. Osvojila je že štiri svetovna prvenstva.
The Italians won the European Championship for the second time, after they succeeded in 1968. Italy is also considered one of the most successful football teams. It has already won four world championships.
Angleži so tokrat prvič zaigrali v finalu evropskega prvenstva, toda sanje številnih navijačev se niso uresničile. Nazadnje so se zmage na velikem tekmovanju veselili leta 1966, ko so angleški nogometaši postali svetovni prvaki.
The English played in the final of the European Championship for the first time, but the dreams of many fans did not come true. The last time they celebrated victory in a major competition was in 1966, when the English footballers became world champions.
Zgodovina evropskih nogometnih prvenstev je dolga 60 let. Naslov je osvojilo deset različnih reprezentanc.
The history of European football championships is 60 years long. Ten different national teams have won the title.
Na tem velikem tekmovanju je leta 2000 nastopila tudi Slovenija.
Slovenia also took part in this great competition in 2000.
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